For Barack Obama, here’s a website that works a little too well: MyCancellation.com is posting cancellation letters from people who may have liked their health insurance but can’t keep it.
In little more than a week, the site has collected more than 400 letters – and attracted more than 10,000 Twitter followers.
The conservative group Independent Women’s Voice is behind the project. Its president and CEO, Heather Higgins, says it’s an effort to give voice to people on the losing end of Obamacare.
“This is just the first wave, and we wanted to give them a face and a place to tell their story,” Higgins said.
You can read the growing list of letters on the following website:
Mycancellation.com Man, that’s funny. NOW Barry has to deal with President Clinton’s statement, in an interview with the site OXY.com:”So I personally believe, even if it takes a change to the law, the president should honor the commitment the federal government made to those people and let them keep what they got,” Clinton said. President Clinton was nice to BHO in saying “the commitment the federal government made to those people” It was not the government’s statement, it was BHO’s statement, not once, not twice, but 20 some times. But, he is sorry. Right, and I have a bridge for sale. It will be interesting to see how this plays out. Thanks to Pres Clinton for trying to keep BHO honest, but that is a task even Pres Clinton cannot fulfill.
I am guessing this was a set up for Hillary to come to the rescue to help her get into office. BHO will promise something that cannot be delivered and Hillary will come to the rescue and look like a hero. Just what America needs, a women that stayed married to a man purely for her status in politics rather than for the love (or lack there of)of the man. Just like any other politician, I smell a rat.
I smell a whole nest of rats.
Messy Mosby?
How do you know how Mrs. Clinton feels about her husband? Are you a personal friend of theirs?
I notice you are snarky even when you yourself have long ago realized that defending the charlatan in the White House makes you look a fool.
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