Weaver Blows Deadline: Forfeits $2,000 Bounty for Charity


Claims of Theft not Substantiated or Officially Alleged

Jonathan Weaver has failed to step forward to claim the $2,000 bounty that was offered by the City County Observer if he could back up the claims regarding stealing of campaign signs that he made in an interview with a WTVW reporter just after the Democratic primary.

As we specified yesterday the offer to make a donation to Mr. Weaver’s favorite charity became null and void at 10:00 am CST today May 13, 2011.

As Mr. Weaver was quick to point the finger of accusation at the campaign of Democratic nominee for Mayor of Evansville, he was completely silent when we offered a bounty on the alleged thieves. It would seem as though Mr. Weaver may have been speaking out without evidence to back up his statement.

That being the case we feel that Mr. Weaver owes the Davis campaign and apology for his on camera statement. The City County Observer would like to offer Mr. Weaver an opportunity to extend such an apology in our publication. We will furthermore make a $100 donation to the charity of Mr. Weaver’s choice if he should accept our offer of free column space to make a public apology.


  1. “That being the case we feel that Mr. Weaver owes the Davis campaign and apology for his on camera statement. The City County Observer would like to offer Mr. Weaver an opportunity to extend such an apology in our publication. We will furthermore make a $100 donation to the charity of Mr. Weaver’s choice if he should accept our offer of free column space to make a public apology.”

    You can bump that back to $2k and it’ll still never happen, the level of arrogance in politicians is sickening, how often do you ever hear a politician say they were wrong or sorry for anything? even when caught in a bold face lie? never happens, well yeah when they are looking at jail time they always say they are sorry and that we didn’t understand what they meant, or they never intended to mislead (lie to) the public. My personal favorite is “that was taken out of context”, Which will Mr Weaver use? my money is that he will say and do nothing and feels he did nothing wrong….just following orders like any good little robot of the machine.

  2. Weaver is nothing but a sarcastic, thinks he knows it all liar. Anybody who could vote for this guy after being caught in a bold face lie, must not believe in honesty and must not care about Evansville. Most politicians wait till they get elected before they start lieing. With Weaver already lieing to the public on television this guy must think he is a shoo-in for council. This is one guy that shouldn’t be elected.

  3. Looks like Catfish Weaver (all head and no brains) has done it again. Open mouth and insert foot, good luck in the fall with your newfound power. Maybe the voters will remember why they voted him out last fall.

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