Gavel Gamut by Jim Redwine

When I was a child religion was clear to me. Other Christian denominations were okay, but mine was right. Jews and Muslims were not to be harmed, but needed to be saved. Pagans were to be treated paternally and atheists were to be pitied.

Today I hear some religious leaders postulate their god is different from another’s god. I suppose if one professes a belief in Rah, Apollo, or Neptune this would make some sense. However, some religious pundits claiming Christianity set their god apart from the god of Jews and Muslims, many of whom think the same way.

People of The Book, people who trace their faith back to Abraham who was born in what would be Iraq today, include Jews, Christians and Muslims. There are certainly many differences among these major religions and even differences within each religion. However, a belief that there is only one god is common to all.

I have no brief for any faith. However, when People of the Book, that is, people who may believe the Torah or the Bible or the Quran, denigrate other Peoples of the Book, history teaches intolerance or even violence may result.

During this Advent Season it might be worthwhile for those whose voices are listened to by vast numbers of believers in The Book, to look back to their common roots. This does not require a profession of faith in doctrines differing from one’s own. It only calls for a recognition of the rights of others to worship, or not, as they see fit.

Such would be my Christmas wish.