We Built This City: Words Submitted by an Anonymous Source


Weird Al Yankovic would be Proud

We Built This City

We built this city
we built this city in hock and in the hole –
Built this city
we built this city in hock and in the hole

Say you don’t know me
well recognize my face.
Say you don’t care who goes to that kind of place.

Knee deep in the bull crap
sinking in your schemes.
Too many Indyfolks stealing all our dreams.

JonWeiny plays the council
listen to the lies unfold

Don’t you remember?

We built this city
we built this city in hock and in the hole.
We built this city
we built this city in hock and in the hole –
Built this city
we built this city in hock and in the hole.

JonWeiny’s always playing more Hyena games.
Who cares he’s always changing our arena’s name.
We just want some hockey here but someone stole the ice.
They call us irresponsible
now he’ll pay the price.

JonWeiny plays the council
listen to the lies unfold

It’s just another Sunday in a tired old place.
The ERC have the choke hold
and we just lost our ace.

Who counts the money as the campaign coffer swells?
Who swings the wrecking ball into our downtown hotels?
Don’t tell us you need us
’cause we’re the simple fools

Looking for Evansville
through your appointed tools.

Don’t you remember?

JonWeiny plays the council
listen to the lies unfold. . . .
Built this city
we built this city in hock and in the hole –
Built this city
we built this city in hock and in the hole.


  1. If there is a Pulitzer Prize for poetry this little ditty ought to get it!

  2. beautiful work CCO. I have a former co-worker who went to high school with Grace Slick, I’ll get her and the band together for opening night at Loss Arena !!!

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