Attached is the poorly written 3 page letter sent to over 1000 Evansville Water and Sewer customers concerning alleged issues with installation of new smart water meters. Â We have been told by a couple of CCO readers that Mr. Duckworth alleges that he knew nothing about this letter and someone must had stamped his name on it without his knowledge. Â All we can say is let the letter speak for itself.
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Duckworth and Mounts need to be fired. I heard that the Schaefer guy who works for the mayor is getting divorced. Is that true?
Yes to the firings and yes to the divorce.
That’s not cool at all. Steve is a good guy. Hopefully he can still work things out or turn things around as smoothly as possible.
Yes to firing Duckworth and Mounts. Also, yes to the divorce.
It reads like boilerplate legalese. Someone learned authored this and ducky signed it with a full understanding of what it contains. You Evansville folk are screwed (more screwed??[extremely screwed??]) if you don’t purge this crap from the city power structure.
If the McClintocks still want a chance to be our “First couple-elect” next Thanksgiving, they’ll be serving roasted Duckworth this Thanksgiving. I wonder if the society page of the Hillbilly Gazette will have a picture of Carol and Kelly Coures serving it up.
YES!!!! Fire Duckworth! If he has no idea what is going on why is he in charge??
If they put Marsha in one of those little French Maid costumes to schlep the roasted duck to the $500/platers, I’m not going. Which is the proper thing to not do since I’d never be invited to such a Clampettesque ‘do’ and couldn’t bear to see Michael with a whole apple in his mouth.
This guy needs to be fired for incompentency
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