Home Breaking News Vulcan Plow Company

Vulcan Plow Company


The Vulcan Plow Company, pictured here in the 1950s, was located at First and Ingle streets. The building was noteworthy for its metal statue of the ancient Roman god Vulcan, which had stood on top of the building since at least 1889. Originally called Heilman Plow Works, the firm was renamed Vulcan Plow Company; it became the leading producer of farm equipment in the Ohio Valley, with products shipped as far as South Africa. The factory was razed in the mid-1950s, but the statue, over nine feet in height, is now on display at the Evansville Museum.

FOOTNOTES: We want to thank Patricia Sides, Archivist of Willard Library for contributing this picture that shall increase people’s awareness and appreciation of Evansville’s rich history. If you have any historical pictures of Vanderburgh County or Evansville please contact please contact Patricia Sides, Archivist Willard Library at 812) 425-4309, ext. 114 or e-mail her at www.willard.lib.in.us.

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  1. Wow. Fantastic picture. The Vulcan also towers above Birmingham, Alabama atop a mountain. If we only knew, and we didn’t, but if we knew what we know now….buildings like this would still be standing. It is wonderful.

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