Channel 44 News: Voices Heard Ahead Of University Parkway Workshop
 On Monday, September 18th a forum will be held at the Griffin Center on the University of Southern campis to discuss plans for the University Parkway. According to a release from the Area Planning Commission, expected plans to increase sanitary sewers over the 5 mile stretch of road may lead to bigger developments.
This development has gotten the community talking. Many residents who live along the corridor say they are in favor of keeping it how it is. The largely undeveloped land gives them plenty of space and less people. Those who are close to the USI border say there is already enough traffic when class lets out every hour.
USI students spend a lot of time traversing the parkway as well. Some may say that young folks aren’t as concerned about safety, but that seemed to be one of their top priorities. Multiple students say that they would like to see the parkway better lit.
The meeting takes place at the University of Southern Indiana’s Griffin Center Monday, September 18th from 6:00 to 7:30.