Vogel 5th grader to receive AAA Llifesaving Medal



Hero’s come in all sizes:
DeSean Smith, a 5th grader at Vogel Elementary School, will be honored tomorrow by AAA for his life saving actions on December 5th, 2012.
While serving as a School Safety Patrol member on Weinbach Ave, near Vogel School, DeSean saved a 7 year old girl who was walking to school.
DeSean saw a car approaching that was not slowing down as it neared the crosswalk. The car was travelling about 25mph and was only about 20 feet from entering the crosswalk. DeSean dropped his flag pole, ran into the street, grabbed the young girl, and pulled her out of the path of the oncoming car. DeSean’s actions prevented the girl from being struck by the car and being seriously injured or killed.
DeSean will recieve the AAA Lifesaving Medal in a ceremony at EPD Headquarters at 10:00am tomorrow. DeSean is one of only 8 students naitionwide to receive the award this year. He joins elite company as ony 407 students have received this award since it was first handed out in 1949.


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