Visiting with FFA members at the Statehouse

Visiting with FFA members at the Statehouse

As a national youth organization promoting leadership, personal growth, and career success through agricultural education, FFA is making a positive impact in the lives of its over 11,500 Hoosier members.

FFA offers hands-on experiences like conducting research in a laboratory or working in agricultural communications, which give students in rural, suburban and urban communities more tools for future success.

During National FFA Week, it was an honor to meet with and welcome FFA officers to the Statehouse (pictured). These visitors were presented with Senate Concurrent Resolution 16, recognizing the National FFA Organization and the Indiana FFA Association for their exemplary work in the advancement of agricultural education in Indiana and across the country.

To learn more about FFA and join one of the 211 chapters across the state, click here. Participating middle and high school students need to be enrolled in an agriculture course, and there is even an FFA chapter for online students in Indiana.I always enjoy meeting with young Hoosiers from our communities, and learning more about their goals and aspirations. These are our future farmers, teachers, doctors, scientists and business owners, and it’s great to see them civically engaged and involved with their state government.

For others who would like to visit the Statehouse, please contact me at or 317-234-3827.

To learn more about the Indiana FFA Association, click here.