Home Uncategorized Vincennes Teen Escapes Serious Injury, Arrested for DUI

Vincennes Teen Escapes Serious Injury, Arrested for DUI



user29376-1384719012-media1_6d787a_240_160_PrsMe_Knox County – Indiana State Police arrested a Vincennes teen this morning for driving while intoxicated after she swerved to avoid a deer and lost control of her vehicle. 
Preliminary investigation revealed at approximately 8:40 a.m., Bailey Dreiman, 18, of Vincennes, was driving her 2004 Dodge Ram pickup truck northbound on Monroe City Road approximately ½ mile north of Wheatland Road. She swerved to avoid a deer, but overcorrected and lost control. Her vehicle rolled onto its roof and came to a final rest on the roadway. Dreiman was wearing her seat belt and only received minor injuries. Further investigation revealed she had been consuming alcohol and had a blood alcohol content of .19%. After she was treated and released at Good Samaritan Hospital in Vincennes, she was taken to the Knox County Jail where she is currently being held on bond.

• Bailey Dreiman, 18, Vincennes, IN
1. Driving While Intoxicated, Class A Misdemeanor

Investigating Officer: Trooper Ryan Johnson, Indiana State Police