Home Uncategorized Vietnam-VA Waiting Room Cartoon


  1. Cartoon says it all. As a Veteran I must say that health care at the VA Hospitals are shameful. CCO you made great addition to your paper when you added political cartoons.

  2. The entire VA Hospital System needs to be dissolved. Give our veterans access to normal medical care.

    This cartoon did a great job of pointng out that these people have served their country, and we as a nation have underserved them in providing medical care as they age, a disgrace.

  3. Helmets wrong for the period. Like a lot of the planning from that Era was. If the Veteran is standing in the right spot in evansvillle.
    The fact that guy might still be wading in a outta control Benjo ditch overflow is still an in you’re face, and shoes reality aspect though.

    I’D like to think that wasn’t brought on by all those freedoms he proudly fought and suffered for, diligently defending Americas Constitution.
    More than likely that’s just brought to’em by poor infrastructure planning,lousy mismanaged maintenance and leadership from someone who’s feet have had the privileges of freedom offered by this country, and that Veteran. Insuring with his duty to country, the Veteran has given, so as, some can have privilege to remain above or away from the unhealthy banjo ditch overflows.

    benjo ditch
    A benjo ditch is an Oriental solution for the toilet. It is little more than a ditch in which you deposit your waste.

    The benjo ditch is also a practical answer, as the waste can be collected to be used as fertilizer.
    If you’re going to try to jump the benjo ditch… don’t miss.
    by protocoldroid November 14, 2004



  4. You know what?

    I’m going to agree with you on this one.

    Let our Vets go to any doctor or hospital they want and then have the hospital/doctors send the bill to the government, sort of like medicare.

    I can see private sector hospitals becoming specialists in certain kinds of wounds and even PTSD etc.

    I will warn you though, every system or design is going to have weaknesses that is a fact.

    • That is what I ended up doing once before retiring and was not pleased with the VA doctors diagnosis. Just so you know, if I recall correctly there is a fifty mile requirement and outside that radius a veteran can use a civilian facility with the government will picking up the tab.

      Short story; returned from Philippines on new orders to report to Lowry AFB, Colorado. Stopped by home to see the folks. Within two weeks had lost 15 lbs from diarrhea and too much porcelain worship. Had my dad drive me to the VA in St. Louis (yeah I was feeling that bad) and was given prescriptions for the “flu” even though I told the VA doctor I had just returned from a third world county.

      Three days later said to hell with it after no improvement and went to emergency care at Deaconess. In less than a hour they had a diagnosis; Giardia Limblia and they fixed me all up.

      By the way, the Air Force picked up that tab. When the Air Force asked me why I went to a civilian hospital I recounted my what I had done and they agreed with my decision.

      It has often struck me how a doctor whos primary patients are military members and often times stationed in third world countries could miss such an obvious thing.

      On a side note; avoid an upper and lower GI if you can as it is mostly embarrassing.

  5. What’s worse? Healthcare you have to wait for or no healthcare because the underwriters said you were too much of a risk?

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