Home Community News Video Tribute to Roberts Stadium by Jordan Baer


  1. this is an excellent video, and we need to do what he says, remind your elected officials that if they don’t stand behind Robert’s Stadium, we won’t stand behind them. I know Rick Davis does

  2. In 1990 when Roberts underwent a major renovation, I was very disappointed. They said it was handycap accessible, it was accept that those seats for the disabled were in the cheap seats. That is when we quit going to Roberts. I would like for Roberts to remain, but add elevators for the disabled and make it truly accessible.

  3. Jordan has demonstrated that one man, CAN make a difference. He has earned the respect and support of this reader.


    Young man, you are destined to do great things. …

  4. Jordan, have you finally seen the light on Option C?

    I told you it was the only way you’d save the Stadium, and you didn’t listen. Are you ready to listen now?

  5. You might want to change the name of the Mayor on your list of elected officals to contact. Nice video.

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