VIDEO: Senator Braun Calls President Biden’s “Botched” Afghanistan Exit “Disgraceful”


VIDEO: Senator Braun Calls President Biden’s “Botched” Afghanistan Exit “Disgraceful”

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To me, this is one of the biggest examples of what’s wrong with how the government is currently being run.

We had a policy that many agreed with in terms of leaving places where it’s been a graveyard for many empires. We’ve spent a lot of treasure and blood there.

It’s disgraceful that we’re leaving in an embarrassing way like this, reminiscent of Vietnam. 

I think this was an unforced error.

President Trump when he actually agreed to do it over time – never would have been done like this. 

We had the ability to orchestrate this to get our people out safely, Afghanis, and the matériel.

Unfortunately, this was botched by the Biden administration, and I hope they are held accountable for this. 


  1. Let me re-fresh your memory Swami.

    First and foremost, Mop Head forced the Afghan government to release 5,000 prisoners, some of which were (are) ISIS and al-Qaeda members. – Never heard a peep out of you about that morbid disaster.

    Your Great One also guaranteed our remaining 2,500 troops would be out by May 1st if He was re-elected. Thank God He wasn’t, BUT, never would have heard another peep out of you about what we are seeing now that “no doubt” we would have seen then.

    Bottom line: You are a worthless flake and so was He.

    One down, and one to go….

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