Vice President-elect Governor Mike Pence to Offer Remarks at Annual Governor’s Luncheon for Scouting


Vice President-elect Governor Mike Pence will offer remarks at the 21st annual Governor’s Luncheon for Scouting. The luncheon raises more than $1 million each year to support the Boy Scouts of America and its 31,000 youth and 7,600 adult volunteers. Details below.


MANDATORY: Credentialed members of the media who wish to cover Vice President-elect Governor Mike Pence must RSVP to McKenzie Clift at by no later than TODAY, Sunday, December 11 at 8:00 p.m. EST. Only one reporter and one camera per outlet may attend due to limited space.


Monday, December 12:


12:00 p.m. EST – Vice President-elect Governor Mike Pence to offer remarks at the 21st annual Governor’s Luncheon for Scouting

*Event is open to media. Credentialed members of the media who are planning to attend must set up all equipment on the media risers at the event by no later than 7:30 a.m. tomorrow morning.  All members of the media must arrive to the event location by 11:00 a.m. for a U.S. Secret Service security sweep. 

JW Marriott, Grand Ballroom, 10 S. West St., Indianapolis, IN