Vice President-Elect Governor Mike Pence Signs Certification of Indiana’s Electors


Marks Historic Moment As The First Indiana Governor in 104 Years To Certify Electors Who Will Vote For Him As Vice President Of The United States

Indianapolis – Today, Vice President-elect Governor Mike Pence signed the certification of Indiana’s 11 electors who will cast their electoral votes for President-elect Donald Trump and Vice President-elect Mike Pence on December 19. Vice President-elect Governor Mike Pence is the first Indiana governor in 104 years to certify electors who will vote for him as vice president of the United States. In 1912, Indiana Governor Thomas R. Marshall, vice president-elect with Woodrow Wilson, certified the very electors that voted for him and Woodrow Wilson when the electoral college convened.

The law requires the Governor to sign these documents in order to certify each of Indiana’s electors. Each governor is required by law to certify the electors from their respective state for each presidential election. Secretary of State Connie Lawson’s office delivered the official, original copies for the Governor’s certification of the “duly elected (and now) appointed Electors for President and Vice President of the United States in and for the State of Indiana.” Governor Pence’s office has returned the signed documents to the Secretary of State’s office.

Vice President-elect Governor Mike Pence signing the Certificate of Ascertainment of Appointment of Presidential Electors. 
