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Vice President-elect Governor Mike Pence, First Lady Karen Pence Welcome Hoosier Fourth Graders to Statehouse for Statehood Day


Indianapolis – Vice President-elect Governor Mike Pence and First Lady Karen Pence  welcomed more than 400 fourth graders to the Statehouse to celebrate Statehood Day and mark the finale of Indiana’s bicentennial year.

“I’m proud to join our next generation of Hoosiers to celebrate our beloved Indiana on this historic and unique Statehood Day,” said Vice President-elect Governor Mike Pence. “As we celebrate 200 years of Indiana history and all those who have contributed to our proud Hoosier heritage, we look toward our third century and those who will lead it with confidence that our best days are yet to come.”

During the festivities, Vice President-elect Governor Mike Pence read a Statehood Day proclamation (attached) and named Jillian Stemler from Eastridge Academy in New Albany, Indiana the first place winner of the annual Statehood Day essay contest. This year, fourth graders across the state were asked to reflect on how they have celebrated the bicentennial, how it has changed them, and what lies ahead for the future of Indiana in an essay titled “Hoosier Bicentennial and Beyond.” Jillian’s winning essay can be read in full here.

First Lady Karen Pence offered remarks at the event regarding her travels across the state as Indiana’s Bicentennial Ambassador during the statewide celebration for Indiana’s 200th birthday.

“What an exciting day to look out over the room beaming with Hoosier children who have experienced the grand celebration of our amazing state’s 200th birthday,” said First Lady Karen Pence. “It has been such a privilege serving as Indiana’s Bicentennial Ambassador witnessing first-hand the amazing legacies hard-working Hoosiers have given as a gift in remembrance of our rich past. Today, we also celebrate our youth as they will ignite Indiana’s future.”

Students were invited to visit a booth outside of the Governor’s Office to share what they would try to accomplish if they were governor. They were also quizzed on state history and facts about Indiana through an interactive display. Fourth graders who visited the First Lady’s booth were greeted by Pence family pet Marlon Bundo, a rabbit.

Sunday, December 11 will mark the 200th anniversary of the day President James Madison signed the act admitting Indiana as the 19th state of the Union. For the past year, Hoosiers have celebrated the growth and greatness of the state by creating more than 1,500 legacy projects to celebrate and honor history, community, nature and children. Events will take place throughout this weekend to commemorate the state’s bicentennial.