VHS Pet of the Week: “Mike”


Hello from Mike or Michael as he is affectionately called! Mike is a feisty, 1-year-old, neutered DSH. Mike is the life of a party and is looking for an active home with older children because he likes to get a little wild and crazy at times. Mike does well with other cats but they need to have his feisty personality, otherwise he will be too much. A dog might just be the perfect companion for our little Michael. He loves to play with toy mice and pounce on paper sacks. At the end of the day though, Mike is a super sweet cat that loves to cuddle close and sleep with his head on your arm. For more information on Mike visit www.vhslifesaver.org or call (812) 426-2563.


  1. Remember that VHS Charity Auction “Going, Going, Gone to the Dogs” will take place on April 28 at the Holiday Inn on Hwy 41 north just past the intersection of Hwy 57. This is a really fun evening and for a great cause. VHS doesn’t receive funds from the United Way, the Humane Society of the US, or any other organization. It must raise all its funds itself. This is a huge undertaking so all contributions and support are most appreciated. Come to the auction, have some fun, and take home a deal! Or if you can not make the auction, send in a contribution. All the furred and feathered friends say “Thank You!”

  2. I am collecting donations for VHS auctions items. Goods, services, and experiences are all welcome. VHS was one of the very first charity organizations in Evansville to raise funds with an auction and have been doing this for many years so we do it well. Your contribution would most likely be tax deductable so be a Great Supporter and help us out today! The phone number at VHS is 426-2563 and as for Diane or Sydney.

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