Home Community News VHS Happy Tails Resale Shop Celebrating 10 Years of Fun and Funds...

VHS Happy Tails Resale Shop Celebrating 10 Years of Fun and Funds for Furry Friends


 (Evansville, IN – Let us begin with the elephant in the room: The Vanderburgh Humane Society has a thrift store?!?!?

Yes! They do! With all the excitement surrounding thrift stores in the Evansville region lately, between Goodwill’s expansion and the Rescue Mission Thrift Store at Washington Square Mall, the Vanderburgh Humane Society reminds the community that they also have a small but mighty nonprofit thrift store. And it is turning 10 years old next week.

Happy Tails Resale Shop opened on November 8, 2014. It is located in an unfinished portion of the VHS building previously used for storage, and it was the first thrift store benefiting shelter pets in the region. To this day, visitors and community members are amazed on a weekly basis that they did not know the VHS had a thrift store even 10 years later!

Before visiting, customers often think the thrift store is only for pet items. On the contrary: the store sells a variety of human items from jewelry & clothing to books, kitchenware, toys, furniture, craft supplies, and more!

Happy Tails is run almost exclusively by volunteers, so nearly 100% of the proceeds come back to the animals. Gently-used or sometimes even brand new items are donated from the community. Since its opening, it has raised more than a million dollars for VHS operations and programs. “The biggest need for any nonprofit organization is general, unrestricted funds for whatever expenses come up…. And that’s exactly what Happy Tails provides,” says Director of Advancement Amanda Coburn. “Because of the shop’s revenue, we can keep our large concrete facility at a comfortable temperature for the animals year-round. Or we can say ‘yes’ to treatment for a homeless puppy who breaks with parvovirus. Or we can provide professional development opportunities for our hardworking staff.”

On Friday, November 8th, the organization will host a ribbon cutting at 10:00 am with Evansville Regional Economic Partnership to celebrate the shop’s 10th anniversary. The store opens at 10:00 that day and will be open for shopping afterwards, with a 10% off everything sale. 10 years, 10% off, at 10:00! Cash, Visa, Mastercard, and Discover are accepted. Photo opportunities and interviews that day are welcome.

This date happens to coincide with local organizations’ participation in “Hoosier Adopt a Shelter Pet Month,” including the VHS’ “In My Adoption Era” promotion from November 8th-16th. A separate press release will go out covering that event later this week.

Happy Tails could not operate without its dedicated volunteers, many of whom spend multiple days a week at the shop. The VHS is always seeking additional volunteers to help accept, sort, and price items and assist customers. There is a particularly high demand for cashiers. Many people express interest in volunteering at VHS, but are concerned that seeing so many homeless animals in the shelter would make them sad. This is the perfect way to help raise funds for the animals, without having to walk through the shelter and be upset! Those interested should contact the shelter at (812) 426-2563 ext. 206 or emailvolunteer@vhslifesaver.org for information.