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Vectren Extends Call Center Hours, Encourages Customers To Sign Up For Energy Assistance


In preparation for the upcoming heating season, Vectren Energy Delivery (Vectren) is extending its call center support hours for the month of October. October is traditionally a very active month for natural gas customers who are preparing for colder temperatures by reconnecting gas service or inquiring about energy assistance programs. Currently, customers can call 1-800-227-1376 and speak to a customer service specialist Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. In addition to the regular service hours, customer service specialists will be available Saturdays in October from 7 a.m. until noon CDT. Customers also have the option of utilizing live web chat for customer service assistance.

“Flexibility during this busy season is very important as we often experience higher-than-normal call volumes during regular business hours, particularly on Mondays,” said Dan Bugher, vice president of customer experience and administration. “As we prepare to enter the heating season, we encourage customers to get a head start on reconnecting their service to avoid and hopefully reduce wait times.”

Community action agencies will begin taking applications for all energy assistance programs on Nov. 1.

Income-qualified Indiana customers are encouraged to call 1-800-872-0371 to locate their nearest community action agency and apply for financial assistance through the state’s Energy Assistance Program (EAP). To qualify, the customer’s gross household income must be at or below 150 percent of the federal poverty level, which would be about $36,450 for a family of four. All eligible natural gas heating customers who enroll in the state’s EAP through local community action agencies will automatically be enrolled in the Universal Service Program, (USP) which provides additional gas bill reductions from December through May.

Customers are also encouraged to apply for all residential weatherization programs. Customers who are at or below 200 percent of the federal poverty guidelines, which would be about $48,600 for a family of four, may qualify for these weatherization programs.

For more information or to access Vectren’s self-service options, including billing and payment options, rebates on energy efficient appliances, energy conservation tips and account information, visit www.vectren.com.

About Vectren
Vectren Corporation (NYSE: VVC) is an energy holding company headquartered in Evansville, Ind. Vectren’s energy delivery subsidiaries provide gas and/or electricity to more than 1 million customers in adjoining service territories that cover nearly two-thirds of Indiana and about 20 percent of Ohio, primarily in the west central area. Vectren’s nonutility subsidiaries and affiliates currently offer energy-related products and services to customers throughout the U.S. These include infrastructure services and energy services. To learn more about Vectren, visit www.vectren.com.