Vanderburgh Reorganization Party Caucus March 6th and more! 3/01/2021


VCRP Reorganization Caucus -3/06/2021 at 10:00 AM  Doors will open at 9:30 AM 
Location: Faithway Baptist Church , 3625 Pollack Ave. Evansville
All Vanderburgh County Precinct Committeemen and Vice Committeemen will be allowed to vote.

Contact Office at 812-425-8207 if you have any questions.

GOP Party Caucus
Every four years the GOP Party Rules require a Caucus be called to elect the Central Committee officers for the next four years. All Precinct and Vice-Precinct Committeemen will be summoned to attend the Caucus to elect a Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer.  The Caucus will be held on Saturday, March 6, at 10:00 A.M. Doors will open at 9:30 AM. The location is Faithway Baptist Church, 3635 Pollack Avenue, Evansville.
Our current Chairman, Wayne Parke, will not be running for another term.  This is a real opportunity for another dedicated Republican to step up and lead the Vanderburgh County Republican Party in maintaining the elected positions currently held  and increasing the positions in the 2022 Elections.
To qualify as a candidate for any of the positions, you must be a Republican in Good Standing and live in Vanderburgh County.  If you, or someone you know, are interested in being on the ballot, please contact Mary Jo Kaiser at the GOP office – 812-425-8207 –
Per Party rules and COVID-19 guidelines


Candidates for Chairman must give 72 hour notice to current Chairman Wayne Parke.   
Nominations for other officers may be taken from the floor at the Caucus.
By Party Rules, Chairman and Vice Chairman must be of the opposite sex. 
Mary Jo Kaiser
VCRP Political Director
Office 812-425-8207
Cell 812-483-4675

Election Board Appointment
          Evansville attorney, Joseph H. Harrison, Jr. has been appointed to serve as the Republican member of the three (3) person Vanderburgh County Election Board by Vanderburgh County Republican Party Chairman, Wayne Parke.  Harrison replaces Republican Thomas A. Massey, who was recently appointed Judge of the Vanderburgh Superior Court by Indiana Governor Eric Holcomb to succeed the retiring Honorable Richard G. D’Amour.

Harrison, a former Vanderburgh County Republican Party Chairman, earned his undergraduate degree from DePauw University and his law degree from Indiana University School of Law.  Harrison is a former Vanderburgh County and City of Evansville attorney.  Harrison’s father, Joe, Sr., served on the Vanderburgh County Election Board during the 1970’s and 1980’s.



60 and Over
This week’s biggest news was Governor Holcomb’s expansion of vaccine availability to all Hoosiers 60 and over. This is another landmark in our fight against the pandemic and is possible because of the leadership of Governor Holcomb and his team in getting vaccines out to our most vulnerable Hoosiers. After just one day of 60-64 eligibility, over 91,000 Indiana residents scheduled appointments for the first dose. That’s nearly a third of all eligible Hoosiers in that group! Indiana continues to lead the way nationally on vaccine distribution and this new round of eligibility will keep us at the top of those rankings.

This week we also hit halftime of the Indiana General Assembly’s 2021 legislative session and, while there isn’t a halftime show, a lot of progress is being made by our super majorities in both houses.

For as good as we see things here in Indiana, the bumbling Biden administration continues to stumble out of the gate in Washington DC. His far-left cabinet nominees are-thankfully-facing difficult confirmation paths. Additionally, it’s been made clear that President Biden wants to keep schools closed and keep our borders open. That’s not good policy and reinforces how crucial it will be for a unified Republican Party to push back against this agenda for two years and win back the House and Senate in 2022. We continue to do our part in Indiana, but we can’t rest on our laurels.

Thank you,

Photo: Congressman Greg Pence and Chairman Hupfer visited earlier this week at state party headquarters.  
Governor Holcomb’s Week That Was

Expanding Vaccine Eligibility
Of course, the big news this week was the expansion of vaccine eligibility to all Hoosiers aged 60 and over. Governor Holcomb’s data-driven approach to vaccination continues to earn praise. See more in the news section below.
Governor Holcomb was also named the 2021 Champion of Public Broadcasting by America’s Public Television Stations. APTS cited the governor’s expansion of broadband services and datacasting during the pandemic as part of the reason he was selection. You can read APTS’ press release by clicking here and watch the governor’s acceptance video here.
To stay up to date on the latest developments, make sure you’re following Governor Holcomb on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram!
Indiana Vaccination Efforts Earn Praise
“The vaccination process in Indiana has included clear eligibility guidelines. Hoosiers have benefited from a central registration website… even with the weather complications last week, Hoosiers are finding vaccine sites running like clockwork.”
“Credit must also go to (ISDH Chief Medical Officer Dr. Lindsay) Weaver, Dr. Kristina Box, and Governor Eric Holcomb. They have been steadfast in sticking with the age-based vaccination plan, with the clear intent of driving down hospitalizations and deaths.”

Read the full editorial from the Fort Wayne Journal Gazette here

COVID-19 Vaccine Update
Thanks to Governor Holcomb’s leadership, Indiana continues to lead the Midwest in percentage of citizens who have been fully vaccinated. If you’re 60 or over, you’re eligible to receive the vaccine! Learn more at
Happy Anniversary Indiana Democrats!
This week was the 10-year anniversary of when the Indiana House Democrats abandoned Hoosiers, walked out of their jobs, and took a month-long vacation in Illinois. Of course, over the last decade Hoosier voters have rewarded Democrats for their temper tantrum by electing Republicans! Today, Republicans hold every statewide office, super majorities in both houses of the General Assembly, 7 of 9 US House seats, both US Senate seats, 71 mayoral offices throughout Indiana and 88% of all elected county officials in the state. With numbers like that, it would seem the Democrats are still on vacation while our Republican Party is getting work done for all Hoosiers.
The Republican Study Committee Host Mike Pence
This week, The Republican Study Committee, led by Rep. Jim Banks, hosted former Vice President Mike Pence to discuss our conservative agenda moving forward. It’s great to see two Hoosiers leading the way forward in Washington DC and the Republican Study Committee couldn’t get advice from a better leader than our own Mike Pence. AsRep. Banks said:
 “Mike Pence is a statesman, he’s an optimist, and he’s a unifier. That’s what makes him unique in our moment and that’s why I think he’ll have a powerful moment in the future.”  
Read more about the meeting here
News You Can Use


Mid-Week Musings
March 1, 2021
To Meet or Not?
           Everyone is eager to get back to some sort of normal living. We all have missed gathering and talking about government and politics. Having to develop and file a COVID-19 Health Plan with the Vanderburgh County Health Department in order to hold our District Reorganization on March 6, 2021, reminded me of how much things have changed during this pandemic. It also made me reflect on when and when not to meet.
Hold that meeting:
·        If the issue at hand is urgent and time-sensitive
·        If you need a thorough discussion with multiple perspectives
·        If you have a decision to make that has significant implications
Don’t meet:
·        If you don’t have a definite agenda, or
·        You don’t have all your information together, or
·        The meeting is going to involve too many people.
Meeting Alternatives:
·        Email
·        Pre-recorded video presentations
·        FAQ pages
·        Text messages
·        Zoom or Go-to-Meeting.

Getting healthier for a stronger Indiana 
Facing high rates of diabetes, obesity, smoking and other health issues, it’s clear our state must do more to help improve Hoosiers’ health.

I am supporting legislation that would establish a new public health grant program to fund initiatives addressing our most challenging problems.

The Indiana Department of Health would administer the program, giving preference to proposals focusing on chronic health problems such as diabetes, obesity and heart disease.

Our health issues not only affect the wellness of Hoosiers, but also public and private health care costs, and the vitality of our economy. Through this bill, we can improve the overall quality of life for those across the state.

Click here to learn more.

Lawmakers wrap up first half of legislative session 
The Indiana General Assembly is halfway through the 2021 legislative session. The House of Representatives will now consider Senate bills while the Senate considers House bills.
This session, I am authoring legislation that would help combat human trafficking and expand protections for young Hoosier victims. I also authored a bill that would establish a grant program to help students experiencing learning loss due to the pandemic. These bills cleared the House and can now be considered by the Senate.

In the first half of session, I also supported a responsible state budget proposal that invests in Hoosiers and would accelerate the economy. We continue our strong commitment to K-12 education, which accounts for 50% of the two-year state budget. We also include strategic investments to support small businesses and jobs, improve public health, enhance public safety, promote regional economic development and expand rural broadband. Our proposal is balanced and maintains prudent reserves to protect our state against any future economic downturns.

To follow these bills and others as they move through the process, visit If you have any questions or input on proposals for new laws, please contact me at 317-232-9815 or

Visit the Vanderburgh GOP 

page for daily updates.

  Mark Your calendar                CLICK on event for more information
GOP Caucus March 6th Party Reorganization Day at 10: A.M. Location: Faithway Baptist Church, 3635 Pollack Avenue, Evansville.
Postponed until further notice
GOP Breakfast – C K Newsome Community Center
  Postponed until further notice
Lincoln Day Dinner – Evansville Country Club.
If you have or know about event Please contact me at