Home Breaking News  Vanderburgh Democrats’ January 2020 Updates

 Vanderburgh Democrats’ January 2020 Updates

Vanderburgh County Democratic Party
Vanderburgh County Democratic Party
Central Committee
Edie Hardcastle, Chair; ediehardcastle@gmail.com
Nick Iaccarino, Vice Chair
Alex Burton, Political Director
Cheryl Schultz, Treasurer
Melissa Moore, SecretaryWe welcome volunteers!
Call 812-499-9257
The Vanderburgh County Democratic Party is looking for qualified Democratic candidates to run for multiple political offices on the 2020 ballot. Please contact head of our candidate recruitment, Nick Iaccarino, to discuss opportunities at 812-598-9864.Wednesday, January 8, 2020 is the first day a declaration of candidacy for major political party primary nomination (or election as a Democratic Party precinct committeeman, or state party convention delegate) may be filed. Refer to the Indiana Secretary of State Election Division’s Candidate Information web page for candidate forms: https://www.in.gov/sos/elections/2395.htm.
A candidate for nomination at the Primary election for Vanderburgh County offices must file a declaration of candidacy in the office of Vanderburgh County Election Office located in Room 216 in the Civic Center Administration Building.A candidate wishing to declare their candidacy should call the Election Office at 812-435-5122 to arrange the declaration. The candidate will need to bring their voter’s registration card to be filed with the declaration.BASIC QUALIFICATIONS FOR CANDIDATESA person must be a registered voter in the election district to be represented.A person is disqualified from holding or being a candidate for an elected office if the person has
a) Entered a plea of guilty to a felony
b) Been convicted of a felonyContact the election office 812-435-5122 for more details of qualifications and requirements.

Candidates for precinct committeeman must file a CAN-37 form with the county clerk between Wednesday January 8, 2020 and noon Friday, February 7, 2020.  Form CAN-37  can be found on the Secretary of State Election Division’s Candidate Information web page: https://www.in.gov/sos/elections/2395.htm.

Please join us
to celebrate the grand opening of our newVanderburgh County Democratic Party HeadquartersFriday, January 10, 2020
3:00 – 6:00pm
220 N.W. 4th St.
Evansville, IN
Light refreshments will be served. This is a great opportunity to come out and mingle with office holders, talk with party members and check out how you can volunteer with the party this year.

Meet Your Legislators

Saturday, January 11
9:00am – 11:00am
Evansville Central Library
200 SE Martin Luther King Jr Blvd
Evansville Indiana 47713

Local state legislators are invited to make themselves available to answer questions from the audience on the second Saturday of each month during each year’s legislative session.

Doors open at 9 am. Sessions start at 9:15 am and end at 11 am.

MYL sponsors are the Evansville Teachers Association, the Evansville Vanderburgh Public Library, League of Women Voters of SWIN, Plumbers & Steamfitters Local 136, Teamsters Local 215, United Neighborhoods of Evansville, and Valley Watch.

Sessions are made available for streaming on the WNIN website under Regional Voices. Direct links will be posted as they become available.

January 11th, 2020
12:30 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.

 Evansville Central Library
Browning Room A&B

2020 is a critical year for a host of issues; locally as well as nationally.  

  • How do we fix our disastrous and financially ruinous healthcare system?

  • Will Evansville improve the availability of affordable housing? 

  • Will our teachers remain the lowest paid in the state?  

  • Will Vectren follow through on its promise to stop polluting our communities and incorporate more renewable energy sources to power our region?

  • How can we strengthen Indiana’s gun laws to protect our communities — especially our children? 

Indivisible Evansville will be joined by 15 – 20 other local activist groups calling on all concerned citizens to come together on January 11, 2020 to mobilize and re-energize our efforts to make positive change happen!  This is your chance to identify that group that speaks to your values and where you can best contribute your time.  

Working together, we can achieve a brighter future for ourselves.  Please join us.

***Be sure to stop by the Vanderburgh County Democratic Party’s table.

The Vanderburgh Democratic Party Central Committee will have its 2020 kickoff meeting at:

Plumbers and Steamfitters Local 136

Saturday, January 25

2300 St. Joseph Industrial Park Dr.
Evansville, IN 47720
Donuts and coffee will be provided.
Join us and the National Democratic Training Committee at our Blue Bench Training for candidates and potential candidates, campaign staff and volunteer staff, and local party infrastructure on January 25 at the IVY Tech Conference Center (2820 N Meridian St Indianapolis, IN 46208) for all the tools and tips you need to launch a successful campaign or create and build infrastructure for your local party. More women, first-time candidates and young people have stepped up to move Indiana forward. If you’re ready to do the work, let us help you get started.Registration begins at 8:30am and the training runs to 4:45pm. Breakfast and lunch will be served.
Vanderburgh County Democratic Party
P.O. Box 3208
Evansville, IN 47731
Paid for by the Vanderburgh County Democratic party, Cheryl Schultz, Treasurer.