Home Community News Vanderburgh County Sheriff’s Office to Hold Recognition Ceremony

Vanderburgh County Sheriff’s Office to Hold Recognition Ceremony

On Friday, May 17th, 2019 the Vanderburgh County Sheriff’s Office will host a public ceremony to recognize the accomplishments of its personnel. Additionally, the ceremony will conclude with the swearing-in of three (3) new deputy sheriffs.  The ceremony will begin at 09:00 a.m. in the ballroom of the Old Courthouse located at 201 NW 4th Street.

Those individuals being recognized are:

New Deputy Sheriffs:

Roman Weinzapfel
Chad Phillips
Ryan Henehan


Deputy Clint Stanton – Life Saver Award
Deputy Brandon Rolley – Life Saver Award
Deputy Neal Luecke – Life Saver Award


Special Deputy Shelly Cullum – 21 years of service