Vanderburgh County lawmakers To Serve On Key House Committees


STATEHOUSE (Dec. 14, 2022) – Area lawmakers recently received appointments to serve on key House standing committees at the Statehouse.

House standing committee appointments are made by the Indiana House Speaker biennially after the November election and are in effect for the duration of members’ two-year terms. State Rep. Tim O’Brien (R-Evansville) will serve as vice chair of the House Government and Regulatory Reform Committee, and as a member of the House Ways and Means Committee and the House Financial Institutions Committee.

“It’s important for state government and local government to work together in order to best serve Hoosiers,” O’Brien said. “I’m committed to advancing policies that make government at all levels more efficient and effective on behalf of the people they serve.”

State Rep. Matt Hostettler (R-Pakota) will serve as a member of the House Employment, Labor and Pensions Committee, the House Natural Resources Committee and the House Public Health Committee, which will all begin their work with the start of the 2023 legislative session.

“Supporting hard-working Hoosiers and local, small-business owners remains a top priority for me,” Hostettler said. “I’ll continue to look for ways to reduce the size of government, and cut regulations and red tape for Hoosiers.”

State Rep. Wendy McNamara (R-Evansville) was reappointed to serve as chair the House Courts and Criminal Code Committee and to serve as a member of the House Financial institutions Committee. McNamara said committees are responsible for vetting bills, including hearing public testimony and considering amendments.

“The Courts and Criminal Code committee has been successful in vetting bills that reduce recidivism rates, reform juvenile justice policies and strengthen the state’s criminal justice system for the safety of all Hoosiers,” McNamara said. “As chair, I look forward to continuing that momentum in the upcoming legislative session and leading the charge.”

House lawmakers are scheduled to convene for session at 1:30 p.m. on Jan. 9. Hoosiers can to find legislation, view calendars, and watch committee meetings and session.