Vanderburgh County Courts to Implement Electronic Filing as Part of Statewide Project


Evansville, Ind.—Clerk of the Courts Carla Hayden confirmed today that Vanderburgh Circuit and Superior Courts will begin accepting electronic filing of court documents (commonly known as e-filing) on Monday, February 20th. Hayden stated, “Ironically, we will begin e-filing on Presidents Day, a day when our office is actually closed. That is part of the beauty of e-filing. The office is never really closed. Users will be able to file documents 24/7.”

“On February 20th, e-filing becomes an option in Vanderburgh County, but it will not be mandatory. Paper filings will still be accepted. On April 21st, e-filing will become mandatory for attorneys for subsequent filings in cases that have already been opened with the Court. When e-filing becomes mandatory in initial filings, it will only be required for attorneys and only in case types available for initial filings,” Hayden said. The date for mandatory e-filing of initial filings has not yet been determined.

The Evansville Bar Association has scheduled several seminars to educate local attorneys and their staffs on the e-filing process. “Interest in e-filing has been high and the response has been positive. It is my understanding that they scheduled three sessions and have filled them all. But, if you can attach a PDF to an email, you can e-file,” Hayden said. To aid non- lawyers who frequently file cases pro se, such as government offices, property managers, etc., Hayden has arranged for the Trial Court Technology Division of the Office of Judicial Administration to hold a training session on Friday, February 10th at 9:00 a.m. in Room 301 of the Civic Center. The session is free and no registration is required, but space is limited.

In 2014, the Indiana Supreme Court announced the implementation of statewide e-filing, which reduces paper copies, postage, and trips to the clerk’s office. E-filing began in Hamilton County on July 29, 2015, with plans for statewide implementation by the end of 2018. More information about e-filing, including the rules and implementation schedule, list of service providers, and details about training sessions, can be found at The E-filing Rules and Implementation Schedule are also available
