Home Breaking News Vanderburgh County Commissioners May 23, 2017 Meeting Agenda

Vanderburgh County Commissioners May 23, 2017 Meeting Agenda



Vanderburgh County

Board of Commissioners

May 23, 2017

3:00 pm, Room 301

  1. Call to Order
  2. Attendance
  3. Pledge of Allegiance
  4. Permission to Open Bids VC 17-04-01: Concrete Repairs in Eagle Crossing Subdivision 
  5. Action Items
    1. Proclamation: Signature School
    2. Advisory Board on Disability Services: AccessAbility Decal Program
    3. Tony Flittner, Torian, Hofmann, Dillow and Flittner: 2016 and First Quarter 2017 Heath Insurance Claims Update
    4. Public Hearing & Final Reading of Vacation Ordinance CO.V-05-17-002: Vacation of 30’ Right-of-Way on Rucker Road Near lot 19 in Ensle Place Subdivision
    5. First Reading of Ordinance CO.06-17-010 Amending Human Relations Commission Ordinance
    6. First Reading of Ordinance CO. 06-17-011 Amendment to Ch. 15.86 Vanderburgh County Building Code of Ordinances
  1. Department Head Reports
  1. Board Appointments
    1. Old Courthouse Foundation
  2. New Business
  3. Old Business
  4. Public Comment
  5. Consent Items
    1. Contracts, Agreements and Leases
      1. Sheriff Office: Interlocal Agreement to House Vanderburgh County Inmates in Knox County and Perry County Jail
      2. County Health: Memorandum of Understanding with ECHO Community Health Care, Inc.
      3. County Commissioners: Old Courthouse Lease Agreement with Leslie Davis
      4. County Clerk:
        1. Tri-State Systems Proposal
        2. Professional Services Agreement with RBM Consulting LLC.
      5. County Treatment Court: Professional Services Agreement with Marie Johnson
    2. Approval of May 9, 2017 Meeting Minutes
    3. Employment Changes
    4. County Commissioners: Employee Burdette Park Passes
    5. Superintendent of County Buildings: Aids Resource Group AIDS Walk Request
    6. County Highway: 2016 Annual Operational Report
    7. Old Courthouse: Kraftwerks, Inc. Craft Show 2017 Spring Financial Report
    8. County Treasurer: April 2017 Monthly Report
    9. County Engineering:
      1. Department Head Report
      2. Pay Request #26 with US 41 Expansion T.I.F for the sum of $26,080.20
      3. Waiver of Mineral Interest Forms 2 for Green River Road Phase 6
      4. Waiver of Mineral Interest Form 1 for Green River Road Phase 7
    10. Misdemeanor Probation: Request to Surplus Metal Filing Cabinets
    11. Weights and Measures: April 16 to May 15th Monthly Report
  6. Adjournment