Vanderburgh County Board of Commissioners Meeting

civic center

AGENDA of Vanderburgh County

Board of Commissioners

September 18, 2018 at 3:00 pm, Room 301

  1. Call to Order
  2. Attendance
  3. Pledge of Allegiance
  4. Action Items 
    1. Update from Greg Wathen on the Economic Development Coalition of Southwest Indiana 
    2. Resolution NO. CO.R-09-18-014 Issuance of Bonds to Finance Certain Future Public Improvements in or Serving the Burkhardt Road TIF Economic Development Area
    3. Resolution NO.CO.R-09-18-015 Adopting the City of Evansville- Town of Darmstadt- Vanderburgh County Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Committee Process Concerning the Updated Five Year Plan
    4. County Commissioners: Award Title Search Quotes 
  5. Department Head Reports
  6. New Business
  7. Old Business
  8. Consent Items
    1. Contracts, Agreements and Leases
      1. Superintendent of County Buildings: Old Courthouse Leases
        1. Kraftwerks, Inc Special Event Lease for Fall Craft Show
        2. Artwork Unlimited Lease for Subbasement 
        3. CERM Lease for Suite 201
        4. Progressive Image Photography Lease Renewal for Suite 113
        5. Wham Counseling, LLC Lease Renewal for Suite 108
        6. Dax Miller Law Offices Lease Renewal for Suite 111
        7. New Vision Counseling Lease Renewal for Suite 107
      2. County Health: 
        1. Lead Hazard Reduction Grant with the Indiana Housing & Community Development Authority
        2. Community Development Block Grant for Disaster Relief and Restoration of Infrastructure
        3. STD Grant Amendment
    2. Approval of September 4, 2018 Meeting Minutes
    3. Employment Changes 
    4. County Auditor: 9/3/18-9/7/18 & 9/10/18- 9/14/18 Claims Voucher Report 
    5. United Neighborhoods of Evansville: August 2018 Monthly Report 
    6. Request for Wavier Fees at the Old National Events Plaza:
      1. Human Relation Commission October 16, 2018 for the Commissions Annual Dinner 
      2. Grow Southwest Indiana Workforce October 23, 2018 for Job Fair from 1:00-3:00 pm 
    7. County Clerk: August 2018 Monthly Report
    8. Soil and Water Conservation District: County Vehicle Transfer 
    1. County Engineering:
      1. Department Report 
      2. Pay Request # 45 U.S. 41 Expansion T.I.F. for the sum of $13,830.00
      3. Pay Request # 38 University Parkway T.I.F. for the sum of $14,220.43
      4. Pay Request #9 Phoenix Commerce Center for the sum of $ 3,320.00
      5. Travel Request for 2018 County Bridge Conference 
      6. Claims 
  1. Public Comment
  2. Rezoning
    1. First Reading of Rezoning Ordinance VC-8-2018

Petitioner: Baseline Properties, Inc.

Address: Baseline Park Lots 1 through 5

Request: Change from M-2 to M-1

    1. Final Reading of Rezoning Ordinance VC-7-2018 as Amended

Petitioner: Jack Strassweg, Member of SS&K, LLC

Address: 728 E. Baseline Road

Request: Change from Ag to C-4 with Amended UDC

  1. Adjournment