Vanderburgh County Board of Commissioners Agenda

civic center


Vanderburgh County

Board of Commissioners

August 8, 2017

3:00 pm, Room 301

  1. Call to Order
  2. Attendance
  3. Pledge of Allegiance
  4. Action Items
    1. First Reading and Permission to Advertise Notice of Public Hearing for Vacation Ordinance CO.V-08-17-004
  5. Department Head Reports
  6. New Business
    1. Road Hearing Presentation
  7. Old Business
  8. Public Comment
  9. Consent Items
    1. Contracts, Agreements and Leases
      1. County Clerk: Professional Service Agreement with Dossett Consulting, LLC
      2. County Health: Letter of Acceptance with Great Kids, Inc.
      3. County Commissioners Quit-Claim Deeds:
        1. 620 Ravenswood Drive
        2. 4207 Theatre Drive
        3. 117 E. Oregon
        4. 2511 Pine Tree Drive
        5. Hogue Road
    2. Approval of August 1, 2017 Meeting Minutes
    3. Employment Changes
    4. Economic Development Coalition of Southwest Indiana: Vanderburgh County Report July 2017
    5. County Commissioners: Morley and Associates Survey Proposal
    6. County Auditor: July 2017 Accounts Payable Voucher
    7. County Engineering:
      1. Department Head Report
      2. Pay Request #26 University Parkway T.I.F for the sum of $21,216.60
    8. Burdette Park: Estimate for Fabricate and Install of Signs from Alvey’s Signs
    9. Superintendent of County Buildings: Permission to Seek Quotes: Coliseum North Elevation Tuck Point Repair
  10. Adjournment