Vanderburgh County Board of Commissioners Agenda


Agenda of The Vanderburgh County Board of Commissioners for July 13, 2021 At 3:00 pm, Civic Center Complex, Room 301

  1. Call to Order
  2. Attendance
  3. Pledge of Allegiance
  4. Action Items 
    1. Health Department: 
      1. COVID-19 Vaccine Update
      2. Contract with SM Eastland Mall for COVID-19 Vaccinations
      3. Grant Contract with IDOH 
    2. Authorization for Counsel to Vote to Approve Purdue Pharma Bankruptcy Plan
    3. Computer Services: OnSolve Mass Notification Software Contract
    4. Purchasing: Approval to Advertise RFP-01-CC-2021: Vehicle and Industrial Batteries
    5. YWCA Grant Agreement
    6. McFarland Contract for Services
    7. Board Appointment
    8. Stinson Evans Tombstone Dedication Proclamation
    9. County Engineer: 
      1. Award Contract Number VC2105-01 “Concrete Street Repairs” to JBI Construction Inc. 
      2. Bridge Inspection Supplemental Agreement with BLN
      3. Boonville New Harmony road Right of Way Offer-Parcel 19
      4. IDEM Notice of Intent for Phase 2 of Kansas Road
      5. ESRI Renewal Quote for GIS Software
      6. Sidewalk Waiver Request for Green River Meadows
  5. Department Head Reports
  6. New Business
  7. Old Business
  8. Consent Items
    1. Approval of June 22, 2021 Meeting Minutes
    2. Employment Changes 
    3. Sheriff’s Office: Windemere Farms HOA Road Closure Request
    4. County Clerk Surplus Request: Miscellaneous Office Equipment
    5. County Treasurer May 2021 Monthly Report
    6. Board of County Commissioners: Request for Appropriation
    7. County Auditor: 
      1. Submission of Statement of Salaries & Wages (Form 144)
      2. Claims Voucher Reports: 6/21-6/25/2021 & 6/28-7/2/2021 & 7/5-7/9/2021
  9. Rezonings
    1. Final Reading of Rezoning Ordinance VC-4-2021 (Tabled from 6/22 Meeting)

Petitioner: Elite Development Group, LLC

Address: Roscommon Road

Request: Change from R-3 to Planned Unit Development

  1. Public Comment
  2. Adjournment