Home Political News Vanderburgh County Board of Commissioners Agenda

Vanderburgh County Board of Commissioners Agenda


Vanderburgh County Board of Commissioners Agenda for August 17, 2021, At 3:00 pm, Civic Center In Room 301

  1. Call to Order
  2. Attendance
  3. Pledge of Allegiance
  4. Permission to Open Bids for VC21-08-01: Walnut Road Bridge
  5. Action Items 
    1. Health Department: COVID-19 Vaccination Update
    2. Purchasing Department: Purchasing Agreement with Altstadt Office
    3. OCRA COVID-19 Phase 3 Grant Contract for Administrative Services
    4. Superintendent of County Buildings: Into the Light Mental Health Lease Agreement
    5. Prosecutor’s Office: SAGE 4 Child Support Service Agreement
    6. County Engineer: 
      1. Administrative Settlement for Parcel 14 on Boonville New Harmony Road
      2. Franklin Street Bridge Construction Inspection Agreement with Lochmueller Group
      3. Corps of Engineers Permit for the Franklin St. Bridge 
      4. Westbridge Subdivision Street Plan Approval
  6. Department Head Reports
  7. New Business
  8. Old Business
  9. Consent Items
    1. Approval of August 3, 2021 Meeting Minutes
    2. Employment Changes 
    3. County Auditor: Claims Voucher Reports: 8/2-8/6/2021 & 8/9-8/13/21
    4. County Clerk July 2021 Monthly Report
    5. County Engineer: Department Report and Claims
    6. Riverboat Budget Transfer Request
  10. Public Comment
  11. Adjournment