USI, Trelcru to break ground on mountain bike trails


USI, Trelcru to break ground on mountain bike trails, announce fundraising efforts for the second phase

WHO: Steve Bridges, USI Vice President for Finance and Administration; Jim Wolfe, USI Director of Facility Operations and Planning; and Brad Scales, Principal of Trelcru trail building company

All three will be available for comment following the announcement.

WHAT: USI and Trelcru will break ground on a one-acre section of downhill flow trail on the west side of campus, the first dedicated mountain bike trails on the University of Southern Indiana campus. Information will also be provided about a fundraising campaign to raise matching dollars for a state grant that would enable a second phase of trails to be built on campus.

WHEN: 10 a.m. Monday, March 6

WHERE: Outdoor area just west of the USI Ceramics Center. Parking will be available in Lot F across University Blvd from the groundbreaking site.
