USI and NSWC Crane receive UPCEA award for Innovation Discovery Process


University Professional and Continuing Education Association (UPCEA) has awarded the 2011 Recognition of Excellence Award for Innovations in Outreach and Engagement to Naval Surface Warfare Center, Crane (NSWC Crane) and the University of Southern Indiana for the development of an Innovation Discovery Process.

Designed by Dr. Susan Ellspermann, director of CAR, and Gene Recker, manager of education and entrepreneurship for USI at Innovation Pointe, the Innovation Discovery Process identifies creative solutions to complex problems and brings together a diverse group of people to analyze projects that NSWC Crane engages as part of its core competencies. The process helps inventors understand the value of their contributions to NSWC Crane’s missions. Often these contributions are in the design and discovery of solutions to complex military applications that are protectable under patent protection. Over the past two years, NSWC Crane has used the process to increase patent production.

“This process allows us to fully realize the potential of the technology developed for the warfighter,” said John Dement, NSWC Crane technology officer. “We are strengthening our capabilities for the Navy as well as discovering and documenting technology that can be transferred to commercial use or transitioned to other Department of Defense applications.”

Joshua Mischler, USI-Crane partnership manager, made the award nomination.

“The success of the Innovation Discovery Process recognizes NSWC Crane as a leading innovator for ‘best practices’ among Federal Lab Consortium members for innovative practices,” he said. “The process brings together a diverse group of people to analyze NSWC Crane projects and helps inventors understand the value of their contributions to NSWC Crane’s mission.”

The Innovation Discovery Process also received the 2009 Federal Laboratories Consortium Midwest Regional Partnership Award and was the designation of “Best Practices”, at the 2010 Department of Defense Technology Transfer Integrated Planning Team Conference.

NSWC Crane and USI formed an educational partnership in 2007 to enhance USI faculty research and student learning opportunities while enhancing research and commercialization of technology residing at NSWC Crane. Located in Martin County, NSWC Crane is the third largest Navy installation in the world employing more than 2,000 scientists, engineers, and technicians. NSWC Crane provides comprehensive support for complex military systems spanning development, deployment, and sustainment in three mission areas: electronic warfare/information operations, special missions, and strategic missions.
