Home Breaking News USA Foreign Policy Is …WWIII?

USA Foreign Policy Is …WWIII?


Freedom, IndianaAuthor Andrew Horning is the Libertarian Party of Indiana’s candidate for Indiana’s US Senate seat in 2024.

George Washington’s Farewell Address was, far more than any recent US President has proven capable, wise counsel.  Besides his warnings against political parties, he said, “It is our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign.”  Thomas Jefferson’s first Inaugural Address further promoted that sound policy as, “…peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations, entangling alliances with none.”  Many US Presidents, and all the wisest people, said much the same…until a few decided that global domination under USA rule seemed like a good idea.

Setting aside, for the moment, the tragic, ongoing mistakes in creating, empowering and submitting to the destructively corrupt FBI and CIA, our nation’s worst mistakes in foreign, as well as domestic policy, have been in seeking, and maintaining, military-monetary global hegemony at the cost of…well…everything.

For example, just after WWII, our nation embarked on a mission to maintain separation between the USSR and China; and NATO was meant to keep the USSR as troubled and weak as possible.  After the negotiated collapse of the USSR, we added Iran and a few other nations to our basket of deplorables, to ensure that none of these nations could challenge the USA’s empire.  We very specifically violated multiple agreements of neutrality and buffer zones, and overthrew governments in Yugoslavia and Ukraine, to expand NATO, and US forces, right onto Russia’s national doorstep.

Our incessant covert and overt operations worldwide to overthrow, assassinate, destabilize regions, and wage undeclared forever wars, as well as using the US Dollar and trade sanctions to oppress and control other nations, have pushed many former enemies and uneasy allies much closer together, such that the BRICS alliance has grown into a bloc of nations now economically and militarily powerful enough to threaten our military/monetary empire after all…and maybe win.

Even before June 23, after USA-supplied and directed cluster munitions killed beachgoing citizens in Sevastopol, Crimea, our own government has pushed the world far closer to WWIII than we were during the Cuban Missile Crisis. 

I’ll be blunt.  Our government is today, the worst, most existential threat to our Republic, and We The People.  It’s robbing us blind and endangering us all for the benefit of a few Malthusian eugenicist psychopaths, global puppet masters and cronies bent on power and money.  They don’t care a whit about the rest of us.

The bad news and simultaneous good news in all this, is that it’s all by our own choices and actions.  We submit.  We pay for it in taxes, both overt and hidden (inflation’s another topic).  We pay for it with our lives.  And we have continuously re-elected it when it’s always been in our right, duty and power to “…abolish the forms to which we are accustomed.”

What I’m offering with my candidacy is proven to work better than anything else anybody, any nation, has ever tried…peace, prosperity, security, justice and freedom.  THAT is quite the opposite of what the other candidates represent. 

But electing me would not be about me.  And if elected, I would not be just one contrarian voice in the US Senate.

Election Day is citizens’ power of peaceful revolution.  Electing me would unmistakably represent a change of heart, spirit, mind and action in our whole populace.  It would represent a cultural epiphany and call to arms such that it would truly be, a revolutionary shot heard ‘round the world.

God Knows we need that.Liberty or Bust!
Andy Horning

FOOTNOTE:  The City-County Observer posted this article without editing, bias or  opinion



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