Update on Fall 2020 Commencement Ceremonies


USI Class of 2020,

The COVID-19 pandemic has required this University to make numerous difficult decisions. Things that we once thought would never happen are becoming commonplace. We are working diligently to keep the USI community healthy–wearing our masks, maintaining physical distance, and conducting many meetings and classes virtually.

First, let me say thank you. Thank you for doing your part. You, the members of the USI Class of 2020, have shown what it truly means to be a Screagle. You’ve adapted when asked and stepped up to the challenge of continuing and completing your education during a worldwide pandemic.

We must continue our diligence to keep safety at the forefront of our thinking, especially with flu season right around the corner. It is with that in mind, that I announce today that our Fall 2020 Commencement ceremonies will now take place as a virtual ceremony on Saturday, December 12. While this is not the outcome we had hoped for, as we wished to celebrate your achievements in-person, we have come to realize that the alternative would not be the safe and responsible thing to do.

All 2020 graduates are invited to participate in this virtual ceremony. Although far from a perfect solution, it will be a Commencement ceremony that recognizes you and your achievements and can be safely shared with your entire family and all of your friends, whether they reside locally, or states away. Just because this Commencement celebration will not look the same, it does nothing to diminish how proud we all are of you, each and every one of you. We cannot wait to see what you accomplish next. You are our future!

Ronald S. Rochon, PhD  