IS IT TRUE that the City County Observer has just learned that Mayor Winnecke’s Chief of Staff, Steve Schaefer has acknowledged that it was MRC that marked 16 slides from the McGladrey report with the stamp of “draft” and used these 16 pages in their 114 page rebuttal manifesto?…the exact words used by Mr. Schaefer to communicate this information are as follows:
“the 16 pages that you attached are the response from MRC to the draft McGladrey report. MRC took the McGladrey draft and used pages out of it in their response. The words “draft” were added by MRC in their response.
I hope that makes sense.
I’ve copied John Staples, with MRC (now Advanced Network & Computer Services) who created the response document.
Let me know if you have any other questions.
IS IT TRUE that the CCO agrees with Mr. Schaefer that this does indeed make sense?…it makes sense also that the McGladrey report of April 8th that was never marked as a draft by McGladrey was indeed the “IT Assessment and Executive Report” that is was billed as and was not a simple “draft” as many have asserted?…the peeling of the onion continues and someday we shall get to the bottom of this muddled confusion?
Mark Rolley Consulting changing its name when the heat is on–now that is funny ! Why couldn’t they have renamed themselves Advanced System Services so that we would have a better acronym ??
The name change was at the end of 2012. The McGladrey study started in 2013. Everyone still calls them MRC.
Is it true that MRC stands for Must Rely on Chumps?
how about Mighty Rotten Cronyism?
This is an email to me, and it’s not really fair to Schaefer or frankly accurate. It is my understanding that the March 20, 2013 Draft report of McGladrey’s IT assessment, which is stamped on every page “For Draft Use Only” was internally stamped by McGladrey. Schaefer did not have the March 20th report in front of him when he emailed me, and I believe this was a guess. He shouldn’t be held to this as fact for a lot of reasons, but primarily because I don’t think it’s true.
Look like Schaefer got to Brinkerhoff-Riley
Looks like we now have a new political puppet joining the support the “Mayor Team AT All Cost”.
The new name of this puppet team is “Weaver-Mosby-Brinkerhoff-Riley”.
She is proving that she a two face self serving political person.
Yes, that’s right Danny. He did get to me. That’s why I’ve spent hours arguing with him and the Administration about the role of City Council this week. That’s also probably why I took the time to look at MRC’s 114 page power point presentation and uncovered the actual draft report along the way. It probably also explains why I just did an interview with the Courier on the inability to get information from the Mayor’s office, and why I just sent an information request to Ted Ziemer to collect the correspondence to MRC threatening to call a default on the contract. It’s also the reason I’ve only managed to bill about 15 hours this week, because I’ve spent 30 hours digging around for the truth. If you don’t like the fact that I’m going to call it like I see it every single time, don’t vote for me. Hell, run against me. In this instance, this email is inaccurate and irrelevant to the dispute related to the IT assessment. I’m sorry if you don’t like it. My job isn’t to make this issue bigger than it is, but to address what needs to happen with the City’s IT contract. That’s ultimately my job, and it’s my opinion that the contract with MRC should be terminated.
A Big FB “Like”! And thank you for taking your time to investigate this.
Thank you for actually commenting and joining the fray for a change. I actually did have a question for you… Did you ever get a chance to read my proposal for meterless water billing? Did you consider it before voting to spend $46 MILLION on high-tech meters that will die within 20 years? Did you KNOW they would die within 20 years?
What is the hell are you talking about Ms. Riley?
You sent the e-mail out under your name and now your backing off from the comments you made.
I have been a big supporter since the Earthcare issue. Now I’m wondering about your backbone concerning standing by your printed word.
Why don’t you just back off and let Scott Danks handle to complex issue!
This is not my email. Schaefer sent this email mistakenly believing that MRC had labeled the draft report from McGladrey. He sent a second email minutes later recognizing his mistake. That’s all I’m trying to say. MRC did not label the draft report from McGladrey as a draft. It was labeled internally by McGladrey. And by the way, this is an admission that helps the argument that City Council is making. I have no idea what comments you think I’m backing away from. I have no printed words that I don’t stand by. Geez, help me out here Scott. Just because this particular email should be disregarded, the assumption should not be made that anyone is backing down from anything. It’s just not accurate information.
Steve Schaefer’s contract should also be terminated, along with the artist formerly known as MRC.
I apologize by the way. I’ve been trigged on the IT assessment and am super invested in this issue. I’m sure I’m also a bit sensitive to criticism given the amount of time I’ve spent on the project. Obviously, I need to get over that. So, criticize away. I won’t respond again and shouldn’t have to begin with. I originally came on to clear up what I thought was misinformation, and I should have left it at that.
To get involved in internet message board spats shows extremely poor judgement and lack of self control for any elected official. I’ve had the same feelings when I see Wayne Parke going back and forth with people on here. I’m taking a new policy to vote against any incumbent henceforth. I am glad you had the onions to out the laughably fraudulent Earthcare deal, however.
I disagree with this. I welcome a public official unafraid of a pointed debate. They rarely descend from their ivory towers to join real debates because they rarely have the answers to real questions.
You have nothing to apologize for or be dismayed about. You do a FANTASTIC job as a researcher in looking into things. Keep up the great work. We are lucky to have careful people like you to watchdog things
Yet she voted for Johnson Controls. I’d kinda like to know why. I wonder if she researched meterless billing before her vote, or bothered to research the battery life and replacement requirements of the meters she voted to spend money on.
…or is it more likely she just said “how high” when a union leader said “jump”?
What does this mean ?
“collect the correspondence to MRC threatening to call a default on the contract.”
The City Council can call a default on a contract ??? If yes, I have a few other contracts I’d like you to look at !
No, City Council can’t declare a default. But, if the City got MRC to cooperate with McGladrey based on a threat to call a default of the contract, I want to know. I find it relevant to evaluating the IT budget.
Mrs. Riley:
My observation, given the new information that an additional expenditure of $ 50,000 + was made to the consulting firm, is that the City got McGladrey to cooperate, with cold hard cash. Getting MRC to cooperate was easy: the City is MRC’s only client !
Thank you for your hard work,
Mr. Mint
Agree with earlier poster: Steve Schaefer needs/deserves to be fired. Please pull up his antics at C of C for Exhibit A ! Schaefer is the obstructionist when it comes to releasing information–he thinks this is Washington, DC ! Fire that asshole !
So, is this right? Evansville fires a guy who, by all accounts, was an upright steward of his position for not going through proper channels for some piddly expenditures ?
Then,the city blows a bundle on some back and forth about some stupid computer contract?
And the kicker is that Evansville is still on the hook for some perpetual motion , gasoline-from-water, Nigerian Bank Loan, meter reading deal?
Despite a looming EPA sewer thingy costing you a jillion dollars?
And ! You are building stadiums and putting up doggie parks with skateboarding stuff that went out 10 years ago?
Good luck with that.
I’m betting on Detroit.
That is just the start of the idiocy that has gone on here for the last 10 years.
I still think MRC must have pictures of people in compromising positions. It is the only way I can reconcile so much effort and subterfuge being devoted to protecting them by people who shouldn’t be beholden to them in any way.
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