University of Evansville Plans Veterans Day Events


To honor military veterans and active-duty service members, the University of Evansville will host Veterans Day events on Tuesday, November 11. Brigadier General Ondra L. Berry, Harrison High School and University of Evansville graduate, will be the featured speaker at some of these events.

Berry serves as brigadier general and assistant adjutant general for the Nevada Air National Guard. He is vice president of diversity and inclusion, corporate diversity and community engagement for MGM Resorts International. Co-founder of Guardian Quest, a company committed to unleashing the potential of individuals and organizations, Berry has committed his life to inspiring others to realize their hidden potential.

What Are You Doing with What You Know?

7:00-9:00 p.m., Vectren Lecture Hall, Room 100, Koch Center for Engineering and Science

Berry will speak from his own experiences and understanding of a leader’s role, asking the question: what is each person truly capable of? He will talk about realizing one’s full potential and living beyond the definitions of leadership. Free and open to the public.

A Salute to Veterans Concert

7:30 p.m., Neu Chapel

The University of Evansville Wind Ensemble will perform this concert in the style of John Philip Sousa, famous band leader and march composer. Sousa served in the Marines from 1867 to 1875 and joined the Naval Reserve at the start of World War I. Kenneth Steinsultz, UE professor of music, will direct the Wind Ensemble costumed as Sousa.

In addition to events open to the general public, the University will host its annual Veterans Day Service with Brigadier General Berry as the key note presenter in Wheeler Concert Hall starting at 11:00 a.m. At 3:00 p.m. a session titled, “An Honest Discussion About Inclusion” is planned for UE’s faculty, staff and administration. Berry and LaNeeca Williams, UE diversity and equity officer, will lead the discussion on what inclusion is and what tactics and techniques can be used to make all feel included and valued.

For more information on Veterans Day events or to arrange an advance interview with Brigadier General Berry, contact Cherie Leonhardt, coordinator of veteran affairs, at 812-488-2141. For more information on the concert, contact the University’s Department of Music at 812-488-2754.