Ungenthiem “Hi Tech Jobs and Senior Citizens are of High Value”


On Wednesday March 26, 2014, I had the pleasure of attending the Vanderburgh County Federated Republican Women’s candidate night at the Evansville Country Club. Each candidate received 5 minutes to speak and most of them did a very good job. At that meeting Ms Abell made some controversial comments that I have been asked to comment on.

First, Ms. Abell stated “This community cannot survive on retired people. We (retired people) don’t put into the system what we pull out”. I strongly disagree. Like many retired people, I still own property and still pay local real estate taxes which are the main source of monetary support for county government. In addition, as a retired person, I still have income from retirement pensions, 401 K’s, and soon social security, etc and I pay income taxes including the county option income tax on all that income that supports the county as well. As for “pulling out of the system”, as like many other retired people, I rarely use the two largest users of the county funds (Schools and Law enforcement/ courts) so I believe I am definitely putting more in than I am pulling out. In addition, like many other seasoned citizens I frequently volunteer to serve the community in various capacities that support the community as a whole. So I consider it an insult to our “seasoned citizens” to say that our community cannot survive on retired people. I believe the seasoned citizens are the foundation of our community.

Second, Ms Abell’s statement that “High tech computer people, do not produce a dime” for our community. As a former manager of Automation at Mead Johnson, I recruited and hired many “High Tech computer people” and I can assure you they all produced more than their share of revenue for the company and the community. High tech jobs are usually also high paying jobs and these people buy high priced homes and pay higher property taxes and higher county income taxes that support the county government. In addition, these “High Tech computer people” spend money on services such as restaurants, banks, and retail stores to help support our community.

It is unfortunate that Ms Abell does not understand that the seasoned citizens are the foundation of our community and the high tech jobs could well be the future of our economy.

I would hope she reconsiders her statement and issues an apology to both of these valuable groups in our community.

Bruce Ungethiem
Candidate for Vanderburgh County Commissioner

For your reference Commissioner Abell’s statement on “high tech computer people” and “retired people”is on the following link.


  1. Agree with his assessment,as well. Having been in creating and sustaining active production throughput and driving that profitability, is, the asset management skill set a county commissioner should have.

    So there you have it “on a flat note” this means more than all the other rhetorical analysis,combined.

    Pretty straight forward.

    Here’s one for Abell.

    “what I don’t like about office Christmas parties is…. looking for a job the next day” (Phyllis Diller)

  2. Went to a recent 2nd Amendment Patriot function and was really taken back when Bruce Ungethiem was introduced to the group because they gave him a standing ovation. Also I was told by many Tea Party people at that gathering that they are coming out in groves to vote for Bruce Ungethiem.

    Looks like the Winnenke, Parke and Abell political machine is in trouble.

  3. I also can report that Bruce Ungethiem is gathering a lot of support from us county voters. His rural campaign is hotter than a fire cracker.

    Anybody hearing how Ungethiem is doing in the city limits?

  4. Just heard the audio posted on the CCO site about Marsh Abell comments about high tech workers and retired people. How insulting. I predict that this audio does Marsha Abell campaign major damage. She can forget receiving my vote. I’m also sending post to my many retired school teacher friends and expect them to follow suit.

  5. We are doing everything possible to encourage many of citizens of the 4th Ward to vote in the Republican primary so they can help Mr. Ungethiem beat Marsha Abell. It is common knowledge that Marsha Abell has never been a supporter of people of color. We also don’t like the way that Wayne Parke guy is talking down to Republican party workers located in our Ward. May guess that Mr. Ungethiem will win by a decent margin on election day. Anybody know how Mr.Ungethiem is doing in other Wards in the city?

  6. If this Abell woman really believes what she said about technology jobs and retired people, you folks in Evansville would have to be brain dead to vote for her.

    She belongs in one of the museums that your Mayor was whining about the other day. She may have been relevant in the 1950’s but that world as we say in Georgia is “gone with the wind”.

    Keep on whistling Dixie Abell, the time for antiquated thinking is gone.

  7. IIT Bruce might have a woodshed chat with Wayne if he wins?

    IIT if Bruce wins other Republicans will stymie Bruce at every turn?

    IIT if Bruce wins his county budget decisions will be overridden by the Mayor?

    IIT if Bruce wins certain other current county commissioner responsibilities will be move to anther department?

    IIT if Bruce wins there will be some issues “magically” and “unexpectedly” found with county commissioners that will used to discredit him?

    IIT those issues will turn out to have existed long before him and traced back to the Mayor via Abell?

    Just a few things I see with a potential to arise from Abells defeat.

    • Being inept is no challenge in local politics, Weineke will appoint her to a patronage job, with a higher salery. Her challenge will be once Friend or Musgrave becomes mayor.

  8. I’m glad Bruce is keeping these comments alive. He’s running a great campaign, just like CORE. I sure hope this article and this story finally makes its way to the C&P.

  9. Game over. Bruce Ungethiem wins by a nice margin. Marsha finally put her two face political foot in her mouth.

  10. It’s time that the Republican returns back to honest, ethical and conservative values of doing the peoples business. Marsha Abell has sold the County Commissioners office to the highest bidders.

    Please Mr. Unngethiem make Ms. Abells political contributions report public so everybody can see how much money she received from special interest groups over the least 3 years while she was in office. I hear her political contributions report from special interest groups are shameful.

    After these reports are made public the voters of this county will realize its time for change.

  11. Were are one 100% behind Bruce Ungethiem because he is a true conservative and patriotic Republican. Bruce can expect our fellow tea party friends to come out in groves to support him in the upcoming May Republican primary.

  12. The political winds are blowing towards Bruce Ungethiem and away from Marsha Abell, Wayne Parke and Joe Harrison Jr.

  13. Did Marsha Abell stepson get a high paying job with the county? Bruce you need to look into this situation and see if this rumor is true.

  14. I must admit I didn’t know much about Mr. Ungethiem until recently but everything I’ve learned is positive. He would have to have a “Marsha moment” to lose my vote.

  15. She is wrong about high tech not bringing in a dime but is correct with needing the industry to support them. What exactly will you engineer or automate with nothing here? You need factories to keep these high paying firms competitive and to keep techs and engineers local. She really should have reworded the speech. The two support each other.

  16. Ms. Abell evidently hasn’t heard about all the retired, senior citizens who support the economies of Texas, Nevada and Florida. She also said the Centre needed to be closed because it wasn’t making any money. She was right and now ONB is pumping big bucks into it to make it appear successful.

    Bruce is a bright, ethical candidate. He did a masterful job of leading the fight against the city-county consolidation and will have votes that Abell cannot swing to her side, as a result.

    I only fear he will be disappointed at the pressures and under the table dealings that go on between meetings.

    If there is ever a quorum of members of the County Commissioners, City or County Councils or School Board, people with a strong sense of ethics and who have nothing to lose, especially their own or their family members’ jobs, who will be completely honest and willing to expose the facts for public scrutiny, Evansville/Vanderburgh Co. will turn around and begin to grow. Until then, the rotten apples in the political barrel will continue to contaminate and corrupt the fresh, honest minds we elect.

    Prove me wrong, Bruce. Show me you can stand your ground and gather fellow-thinkers into a coalition to take us where current politicians claim they want us to go.

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