UE Women’s Golf earns NCAA APR Recognition


University of Evansville’s women’s golf program was recognized as one of more than 1,200 Division I sports teams that earned NCAA Academic Progress Rate (APR) public recognition from the NCAA.  It marks the 9th season in a row that the UE women earned the honor.

Based on their most recent multi-year APR (2013-14 through 2016-17), the Purple Aces program posted multi-year APRs in the top 10 percent of all squads in that sport and earned a perfect score of 1,000 for the single-year and multi-year calculations.

“I would like to congratulate Coach Jim Hamilton and his team for earning this recognition for the ninth season in a row,” UE Director of Athletics Mark Spencer said.  “This recognition embodies everything that the University of Evansville is all about.  They had done a great job and have truly earned this prestigious honor.”

The APR provides a real-time look at a team’s academic success each semester by tracking the academic progress of each student-athlete on scholarship.  The APR accounts for eligibility, retention and graduation and provides a measure of each team’s academic performance.

Each year, the NCAA honors selected NCAA Division I sports teams by publicly recognizing their latest multiyear NCAA Division I Academic Progress Rate.  This announcement is part of the overall Division I academic reform effort and is intended to highlight teams that demonstrate a commitment to academic progress and retention of student-athletes by achieving the top APRs within their respective sports.

Multi-year APRs for all Division I sports teams, including the teams receiving public recognition, will be announced May 23.