UE Study Aboard Campus Harlaxton College



For over forty years, the students and faculty of the University of Evansville have had a second home in the United Kingdom, at Harlaxton College.

Imagine studying in a 100-room Victorian manor house in the rolling English countryside one hour north of London. At Harlaxton College, the British campus of the University of Evansville, you will do just that! And you’ll share the manor with a community of committed faculty, supportive staff, and fellow students from UE and our partner colleges. Your family from home may join you for a few days’ visit if they are able; you’ll also have the opportunity to make new family ties with members of the local community in Grantham who share in the Harlaxton experience each sem


Semester Program

The centerpiece of the semester Harlaxton College curriculum is a six-hour course in British studies. It offers an interdisciplinary introduction to British life and culture and is taught by our British faculty. Literature, art history, economics, history, and political science are part of the course which combines lectures, seminars, and travel.

In addition, a wide range of humanities and social science courses are offered each semester to enable students to maintain progress toward graduation in their respective academic programs. Are there courses for engineering majors? Yes! And courses for nursing students? Yes, again! Is it possible to study at Harlaxton and still graduate in four years? Yes, of course!

Experiential Learning

Britain and its culture await. British Studies field trips take you onsite to explore first hand your new homeland. Many students decide to become part of the Meet-a-Family program, forging life-long ties with local families. Harlaxton fields teams in basketball, volleyball, and football (that’s soccer to Americans!) so you can engage the locals in sport. Students use weekends to travel throughout the UK and Europe, engaging the people, culture, and history.

Summer Programs

Each summer a range of courses is offered in a five-week session from May to June. In addition, many shorter-term faculty-lead programs in a variety of disciplines take advantage of our Harlaxton home abroad.

For More Information

For more information, or to get started on your own personal Harlaxton adventure, contactstudyabroad@evansville.edu.


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