UE Launching 4-Year Construction Management Program

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EVANSVILLE, IN (09/06/2022) In 2023, the University of Evansville (UE) will launch a four-year Bachelor of Science in construction management degree. The program will be housed in UE’s School of Engineering and Computer Science, and applications are now open for Fall 2023 entry.

A construction manager is responsible for the planning, coordination, budgeting, and supervision of an array of construction projects. The job not only includes in-office administrative duties but also onsite work, monitoring projects and making crucial decisions for both the team and the project.

This field continues to grow within the tri-state and throughout the nation. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, construction management jobs are projected to grow by 11 percent between 2020-2030, faster than the average for other jobs. In 2021, the median salary was nearly $99,000.

Over the course of four years, the construction management program at UE will place heavy emphasis on technical and managerial skills. Students will learn design and planning concepts as well as construction methods, equipment, and codes. As safety is a major factor in construction, an upper-level course will focus on safety management methodology and OSHA compliance.

“The construction management program was created to meet the industry demands for construction managers at the local and national levels,” said Suresh Immanuel, Ph.D., PE, associate dean in the School of Engineering and Computer Science. Immanuel also serves as a professor of civil engineering and will teach courses for the construction management program. “Due to technological advancements in construction processes and buildings, project management has become more complex which demands specialized personnel for successful completion. The curriculum designed for this program will touch each point of the process, from project planning to full completion.”

Students will participate in hands-on learning in several classes, but internships with local businesses will provide real-world, immersive experiences. In their final year, students will also complete a yearlong capstone project under the supervision of a faculty member or industry partner. Through these opportunities, students will develop a strong foundation in planning, field operations, project scheduling and management, and working in teams.

The program will be led by Hyunsoung Park, Ph.D., assistant professor of civil engineering. Park earned a bachelor’s degree in architectural engineering from Hongik University in South Korea, a master’s degree in construction management from Texas A&M, and a Ph.D. in construction management from the University of Florida. In the construction industry, he worked as a project manager for Hyundai. He also served as an Air Force Sergeant in the civil engineering squadron for the Republic of Korea Air Force.

“Construction is an applied discipline, so practical experience is very important,” said Park. “Our students will learn about every step of construction so they are equipped to handle real projects immediately following graduation. We are ready to fill the demand of this growing market, and this is going to be a great field for anyone interested in construction and engineering.”

To learn more about the University of Evansville’s construction management program and apply, please visit evansville.edu/construction.