UE Faculty Senate Votes No Confidence in President’s Plan


Evansville— 12/17/20 — The University of Evansville Faculty Senate today passed a vote of no confidence in the President’s draft academic alignment plan. The vote passed by a margin of 14 to 1 with 1 abstention.

The President of U of E made no comment on this result as he failed to attend the meeting.

The faculty will now have seven days to vote on this matter.

The resolution through which the Senate offered its position noted that the President’s draft plan does not recognize the faculty’s role within the university’s shared governance structure and does not accord with the university’s policies and procedures on curricular change.

The resolution asks the President of the University of Evansville to make a public written commitment to the following:

All proposals for curricular change within the final draft of the President’s academic alignment plan, including but not limited to all that on implementation would result in the loss of majors and/or faculty positions, will be submitted to the Curriculum Committee.

That committee will vote on those proposals and then submit its recommendations to the Senate. The Senate will review those recommendations and then vote to either approve them, reject them, or return them to the Curriculum Committee for further consideration.

Any recommendations approved by the Senate that relate to the addition or deletion of degrees and majors will be forwarded to the President, who will approve them, reject them or return them to the Senate for further consideration. Finally, any Senate recommendations endorsed by the President will be sent to the Board of Trustees, and the Board will approve them, reject them, or return them to the President for further consideration.

We, the UE AAUP chapter, thank the Senate for its careful and considered response to the President’s draft academic alignment plan. The resolution passed today is valid and necessary. In these difficult times, it is all the more important for the bodies that make up our university to follow its policies, procedures, and governance structures. By doing so, those bodies honor the principles that underpin the institution. We firmly believe that every facet of the University of Evansville is worthy of respect.

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