Home Uncategorized U.S. Navy Cancels Blue Angels 2013 Performances including Evansville Show

U.S. Navy Cancels Blue Angels 2013 Performances including Evansville Show


Blue Angels
Blue Angels

April 09, 2013 PRESS RELEASE #: 2013-014

U.S. Navy Cancels Blue Angels 2013 Performances

SAN DIEGO, Calif. – The Navy has cancelled the remaining 2013 performances of its Flight Demonstration Squadron, the Blue Angels. The squadron will continue to train to maintain flying proficiency until further notice at its home station in Pensacola, Fla. Recognizing budget realities, current Defense policy states that outreach events can only be supported with local assets at no cost to the government. This is one of many steps the Navy is taking to ensure resources are in place to support forces operating forward now and those training to relieve them. The Navy believes there is value in demonstrating the professionalism and capabilities of our Navy and Marine Corps Naval Aviation team, thus inspiring future generations of Sailors and Marines. The Navy intends to continue aerial demonstrations in the future as the budget situation permits.


  1. I applaud the decision to discontinue using federal tax dollars on spectacle. Whether we like it or not, this is going to have to be the way forward across the board to get our country’s house in order.

    Tighten the belts, lads.

  2. I like the Angels and I do feel like cutting something this is akin to pouring hot water into the Ohio River to make it warm and I also feel like the Navy is making the wrong decision not restoring the USS Enterprise

    But this event does strike me as something the host city should cover. The fact that the costs are enormous tells me that they use a lot of fuel and perhaps it wouldn’t be the end of the world if that much fuel didn’t make its way into the ozone. I am fine with this cut, but ONLY if the feds cut wasteful things like funding for $5 billion plus interstates going from Evv to Indy. Now there’s a waste!

  3. We’ve got to get rid of the idiots in the White House: They Are Destroying This Country!

  4. Until this economy gets stood back up again we will need to cut out a lot of unnecessary expenses. I do not like it. I really enjoy seeing the jets. Would they come if private citizens collected enough money to pay for their fuel? I have no idea what that cost might be.


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