Home Breaking News Two Doctors Battle for the Soul of the Republican Party In Indiana

Two Doctors Battle for the Soul of the Republican Party In Indiana


Jasper Doctor To Oppose Incumbent Congressman Larry Bucshon

Dr. Richard Moss, a head and neck cancer surgeon, will formally announce his bid to oppose incumbent Congressman Larry Bucshon in the Republican primary on May 8, 2018.

The announcement will be held at the Four Freedoms Monument on September 9 as part of the Salute to Freedom rally in Evansville, Indiana.

Dr. Moss, who ran against Bucshon in 2016, has expressed concern about the future of the Republican party. “We will not save the Republic with two liberal parties. We cannot have a hard left Socialist-Democrat Party and a big government, big spending, liberal-progressive, Republican Party. The trajectory is all to the left: more spending, more debt, more government, more socialism, more tyranny. We cannot accept a Republican party that campaigns one way and votes another, makes promises it has no intention of keeping, that goes to Washington, cuts deals with Democrats and corrupt lobbyists, grows government, and bankrupts our children.”

Moss then focuses his attention on Bucshon directly. “Larry Bucshon has become a typical DC politician. He has taken pages from Richard Lugar’s and Evan Bayh’s playbooks by moving his family to Washington. He doesn’t even live in the community he represents. Instead, he hangs around Washington insiders and lobbyists and has forgotten what the voters in Indiana sent him to do. His funding is now at 98% from PACs and large donors. Like every Establishment Republican, Larry campaigns like a conservative but votes like a liberal. He has just a 43% Conservative Review rating. He votes more often with Nancy Pelosi than he does with the Freedom Caucus. He is not helping Donald Trump drain the swamp. He is part of the swamp. He always does as he is told, first by John Boehner and now by Paul Ryan.”

“Indiana needs a representative who will put Hoosiers first, not Washington insiders, not lobbyists, special interests, or big donors.”

Some of his harshest criticism for Bucshon comes from his vote on the House version to replace Obamacare. “He supported the phony House Obamacare bill! Obamacare 2.0. It doubles down on Obamacare, maintaining its basic structure, all but ensuring its death spiral and collapse, only this time with Republican fingerprints all over it. As a doctor, Bucshon should know better.”

Dr. Moss will make his announcement on Saturday, September 9, 2017, at the Salute To Freedom Rally, Four Freedoms Monument, 267 South East Riverside Drive, Evansville, Indiana, 10AM-1PM.

Dr. Richard Moss is a board certified specialist in Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery (Ear Nose and Throat) and was a candidate for Congress in 2016. He earned his undergraduate degree in Biology at Indiana University, and completed his Doctor of Medicine degree at the Indiana University School of Medicine.  Moss has been in private practice since 1991, with offices in Jasper and Washington Indiana. He is married with four children.  

For more information visit RMoss4Congress.com. Contact us at hq@rmoss4congress.com. Or call DK Smith at 812-661-2298 or Caleb at 812-698-6366. Find MossForCongress on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram


  1. “the Soul of the Republican Party”? Little melodramatic, isn’t it? Well, I voted for Dr. Moss last time and Dr. Bucshon certainly hasn’t given any reason to change. 8th District conservatives, Republican or Democrat, having had any representation in the House since “Hostettler Lite” Ellsworth beat the real deal in 2006.

  2. Look, Rick Moss got destroyed when he ran for state senate awhile back and Bucshon destroyed him (65-35) in the primary last year. He’s one of the perennial candidates who run and run and run…but never win.

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