Trump Rally Shines Spotlight On Evansville


Trump Rally Shines Spotlight on Evansville

When President Donald Trump touches down in Evansville on Thursday it will be a big moment for the city. With the President’s every move watched closely, all eyes will be on Evansville.

Some folks are hopeful this will raise the profile for the City of Evansville. With many new and improving signature events, this Make America Great Again rally serves as the cherry on top.

Evansville Convention and Visitor Bureau executive director Joe Taylor already has a list of talking points to go over with the major players coming into town. He hopes to leverage this into more opportunities down the line.

Evansville could also see a political bump from the rally. Trump will be in town in part to stump for Republican Senate Candidate Mike Braun. With the folks in Washington likely to be watching, they may start to think about Evansville as a hub for politics.




  1. Walked around the Ford Center. Trump early crowd looks like a church picnic.

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