Tri-State Genealogical Society January 2015 Meeting Show and Tell


TSGS (Tri-State Genealogical Society) Meeting Notice
When: Tuesday 13 January 2015 at 6:30 PM
Where: Willard Library – Bayard Room on the Second Floor
What: Monthly Meeting

TSGS Program Chair Person Barbara Manzi has announced that the program will feature “Show and Tell”. Members are invited to bring an object or document they would like to share a story about. This is a program you will not want to miss. This is a chance for you to see and hear members showing objects and telling stories about their ancestors.

Meetings are held the second Tuesday of most months. Visitors are always welcome, feel free to share the surnames you are researching. We begin with a short business meeting followed by an informative program.

Except for the April Dinner, meetings are held in the Bayard Room on
the 2nd Floor (elevator provided) of Willard Library (corner of Lloyd Expressway & First Ave) in Evansville, IN.

To contact us – email: or phone 812-499-5542.
Our website address is: