Vanderburgh County Health Department to give away Radon Detection Kits
Residents will have an opportunity to learn about the hidden dangers of radon gas and register for free radon gas detector kits that will be given away at the Traveling City Hall meeting Wednesday, August 28, from 5:30 to 7 p.m. at McGary Middle School, 1535 S. Joyce Ave.
Mayor Lloyd Winnecke will open the session and introduce department heads and elected officials present at the meeting. Dwayne Caldwell, environmental health supervisor for the Vanderburgh County Health Department, will conduct a brief presentation on radon gas hazards in the home. He will have 150 radon detection kits available free to the public, including 50 radon water testing kits, 50 radon air screening kits that measure radon over a 3-day period, and 25 long-term kits that measure radon gas over a 3-month period. Following the presentation, residents are welcome to speak one-on-one with government leaders to discuss specific issues or talk about the general status of our community.
A special Traveling City Hall will be held next month on Saturday, September 28, from noon to 1:30 p.m. at Eastland Mall. In October, Traveling City Hall meetings will return to the regular time on the last Wednesday of each month. The meeting will be held Wednesday, October 30, from 5:30 to 7 p.m. at Pine Haven Rehabilitation Center, 3400 Stocker Dr.
If you have a question about Traveling City Hall, or if your church or organization is interested in hosting a meeting, please contact the office of Mayor Lloyd Winnecke at 436-4965 or send an email to: ejohnsonwatson@evansville.in.gov. Please include the name of the organization, location, the month you would like to host the meeting and complete contact information (name, business phone, cell phone and email).