Home Breaking News Town Hall Mob Explodes at the Name of Jesus

Town Hall Mob Explodes at the Name of Jesus


Town Hall Mob Explodes at the Name of Jesus

A group of enraged protesters exploded in anger after a chaplain prayed in the name of Jesus at a town hall meeting in Louisiana hosted by U.S. Sen. Bill Cassidy.

The verbally-abusive crowd also heckled a Vietnam War veteran who attempted to lead the group in the pledge of allegiance.

It was one of the most heinous acts of un-American, anti-Christian behavior I’ve ever seen, folks.
Louisiana State chaplain Michael Sprague and the unidentified Vietnam War veteran should be commended for maintaining their composure in the face of such verbal barbarism.

The Feb. 22 town hall meeting in Metairie, was quickly overrun by the angry mob – much like other town hall meetings hosted by Republican lawmakers across the country.  The Mainstream Media would have us believe the unruly demonstrations are part of an organic, grassroots effort.

But I sincerely doubt many in the mob were actually residents of Louisiana – because I know the good people of Louisiana and nobody behaves like that in the Bayou State.

Folks are raised right in Cajun Country. There’s no way anybody would embarrass their mommas by acting the fool in public.

I’d be willing to bet a cup of Community Coffee that the Jesus-Hating rabble-rousers were shipped in from some God-forsaken place like Berkeley or Brooklyn.

Chaplain Sprague had barely invoked the name of the Almighty when the heckling began. “Pray on your own time. This is our time,” someone shouted. “Amen. Let’s get on with it.”  Others chanted, “Separation of church and state” and so on and so forth. Someone filmed the prayer and words do not do justice to the amount of hate directed at the chaplain.

“I’ve never been shouted down throughout a time of prayer like that,” Chaplain Sprague told me. “I’ve never been in a situation like that. It’s sad there wasn’t honor and respect for God.”

But they became absolutely unhinged when he concluded his prayer in the name of Jesus.
“Wow, they booed the name of Jesus,” Cassidy said in remarks reported by the Times Picayune.
I thought several of the agitators were going to spontaneously combust.

The chaplain said the overwhelming majority of people in the room were causing a disruption – but he harbors no ill will toward the mob.

“I’m not mad at people. My heart is bigger than that,” he said. “My heart’s prayer is that everybody be treated with dignity and respect.”

The chaplain was especially disappointed by how the mob insulted the Vietnam War veteran.
“There was a lot of shouting. Some turned their backs. Many didn’t stand or put their hand on their heart,” he said. Infuriating, but not surprising

As I wrote in “The Deplorables’ Guide to Making America Great Again” liberals have a strong aversion to President Trump, Jesus and Old Glory.

But I still have hope in America.

Is it possible that liberals will one day pledge allegiance to the flag instead of burn the flag? Is it possible that liberals will one day revere the name of Jesus? Is it possible that liberals will one day respect President Trump?

It is possible, but to be honest – it would take a miracle of biblical proportions — a yuge miracle.


    • I was able to watch the rabble on news videos, read about it in 4 newspapers, and watch it on YouTube. Either you are knowingly lying or you’re the least informed internet user on this blog. On second thought, you’re probably both. But, thanks for your lying post, as that it made me not only read the column, it made me research it. Even folks like you can have a positive effect on we truth seekers.

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