Todays Feature Page Is Reserved For Your Opinion Concerning Why You Are Thankful


    Todays Feature Page Is reserved for your posts on telling us what you are most thankful for this THANKSGIVING DAY.

    We are grateful to all of our readers who support our Mission of keeping the Community informed so we can force our elected officials to practice “Good Public Policy.”

    Have a blessed and safe holiday.  The City-County Observer staff would like to wish all of our readers a Happy Thanksgiving!

    The CCO Staff


    1. I am most thankful for having everything that matters. My health, healthy, happy family, and good friends. I am grateful for the fact that I live in a country where I am free to say what I believe about government and can participate in peaceful public demonstrations aimed at bettering the world. I am thankful that I live in a country where CCO can exist.
      Happy Thanksgiving everybody, and I do mean everybody. Tomorrow, we can argue tooth and nail again, but today enjoy sharing with family, friends, and maybe even a stranger or two.

      • Happy Thanksgiving to you too. Have a good one everyone. I’m hoping to enjoy some oyster dressing and turkey with some pumpkin pie today.

    2. Thankful Wal*Mart is open. 🙂

      Among the many things I am thankful for, I am thankful for my friends and foes on the CCO and wish you all a blessed day.

    3. Thanksgiving is such great day of reflection, it truly set apart our Nation, under God and its begins…those who came before us, the sufferings and turmoils, the desire for religious freedom and their coming together to give thanks to our Heavenly Father…may our Nation always be under God and be thankful for our freedom and blessings….Happy Thanksgiving to all…..

    4. I’m…..having a….second platefull….and…..I…..wanted….to take….a quick…moment…..and wish everybody at the CCO and contributing opionators (that sounds like a good name for a doppelbock) a blessed, family-filled happy Thanksgiving! It feels like I am joining Jesus and Mary and the other guests at the wedding, cause I’m gonna have another glass of wine. We’re having a good time like they were too, but I don’t think we’re gonna run out.

    5. Hope everyone here is having a happy Thanksgiving.

      Somebody swung with my bird while I was at grandma’s house. Black Studebaker seen leaving the area.

    6. I am very grateful that, at the ripe old age of 66, I am finally able to do that which has been closest to my heart all my life and surprisingly it took living in Evansville to make it happen. So for all the moaning and groaning we do about this area and its happenings, I am thankful for what it has finally given me. I am working toward joy and peace (along with sweat and tears) to be part of a wonderful legacy. Thanks for everyone who works along side me and for their dreams and visions.

    7. Since I’ve been caretaker for my wife for a couple years, I’m thankful for every day that we have together; she’s well past the six months or so that the doctors said she would have. I’m also thankful for the discussions that we have in the comments section of the CCO, since I hardly leave my wife’s side and this is sometimes the only way I have of interaction with others. Would also like to say that I’m thankful I don’t live in E’ville since I truly enjoy “the country life” and the problems in the city that are often discussed here.

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