By Laura Blackburn

I am offering a review of information as we have learned it over the past few days, in order to aid the public in evaluating the material on this matter and forming individual opinions about the affair.

The “background information” is foggy at best.  What we do know that Jack Schriber had built an illustrious career with EVSC from 1970 for over 30 years, as a teacher and supervisor.  Even after retirement, he and his wife Sue continued to work on the EVSC summer musicals.  The Schribers have been the recipients of numerous awards from local civic groups and were very popular with the public in general. We know that Schriber claims to have had a sexual relationship with a student for about two years, and the student was somewhere between 15 and 18 years old, and that it was not consensual according to the victim.

The following is a timeline of the incidents exposed in a news release made by the Evansville Courier just before noon on October 20, 2015, which revealed that Schriber had admitted to having a sexual relationship with a male student in the early 1970’s.  Schriber’s comments, police reports, the Mayor’s and others’ statements are reported in the hopes of clarifying what took place in the very sad incident.

December 8, 2014 – Schriber announced his candidacy for City Council-At-Large on the Republican ticket.  He was recruited by his longtime friend and former student, Mayor Winnecke, along with other prominent Republicans.  It was anticipated that he would lead the ticket because of the respect he commanded in the community, and he was considered a big asset to the GOP ticket.  In his statement to the Courier shortly after the story broke on October 20, Schriber said that “rumblings” began about the incident very soon after he announced his candidacy.

July 15, 2015 – This date was the last day that it was possible for a candidate to withdraw his name from the ballot for the November City Election.

July 20, 2015 – The investigation of the complaint against Schriber began, according to EPD Sex Crimes Unit Detective Brian Turpin.  The Mayor was informed about the investigation of Schriber by EPD Chief of Police, Billy Bolin shortly after the inception of the investigation. No statement has been forthcoming from Chief Bolin as to the details of his communications with Mayor Winnecke in the matter.

August 8, 2015 – A confession had been obtained from Schriber and he had signed a letter of apology to his victim and turned it over to Det. Turpin.  That is the approximate time when it was announced that Jack Schriber has suffered a heart attack in Orlando, FL, and it was unknown whether he would be able to continue his candidacy for City Council. A few weeks later it was announced that Schriber had recovered and returned to his campaign.  I am unable to furnish exact dates, as I have not been able to access the Courier’s archives in the matter.  We do wonder if the time that Schriber was “out of action’” may have also been used to consider options and the decision to move forward was made.

October 20, 2015 – The Courier website featured breaking news that Schriber had confessed to being a sexual predator, but would not be prosecuted because the Statute of Limitations was expired on his offense.  The breaking news came shortly before noon, and by 2 pm, the Mayor had issued a statement asking Schriber to suspend his campaign and saying that he had been informed of the investigation shortly after it was initiated, but that he had remained silent in order to protect the integrity of the investigation.  Shortly after the Mayor’s statement, GOP County Chairman Wayne Parke also weighed in, echoing Winnecke’s plea for Schriber to step aside.

October 21, 2015 – Schriber released a statement suspending his campaign, reproaching Det. Turpin for not destroying the letter to his victim, and apologizing to his own family and supporters for the anguish he had caused them.  No apology was extended to the victim and his friends and family.

Probably more importantly, Mayor Winnecke’s statement evolved to include his contention that he did not know of Schriber’s confession until the news broke.  He stated that he had been told of the confession by a “non-police source” and had only acted to preserve the integrity of the investigation.  He has never clarified the source of his information about the confession.

October 22, 2015 – Demo County Chair Rob Faulkner released a statement criticizing Winnecke and Parke for failing to make clear to the voters that a “straight” Republican vote will register a vote for Schriber, and in the event that he is one of the top three vote getters, the GOP will caucus to choose a replacement.  He went on to say that he believed Schriber’s campaign funds should be donated to Holly’s House.  Republicans have tried to vilify Faulkner for this statement, saying that he is guilty of “politicizing” the scandal.

October 24, 2015 -  Rep. Riecken made her statement concerning the handling of the incident, in which she pointed out that the Mayor’s credibility is again in question due to  his handling of the scandal.  It is to her credit that she had not spoken out on the issue until she had time to weigh the actions of Mr. Winnecke.   She observed that the “evolution” of his explanation for keeping Schriber in the race for as long as he was is suspect, to say the least.

October 25, 2015 – The Courier quoted Lloyd Winnecke’s reply to Mrs. Riecken’s statement, in which he said called her campaign “desperate” and accused her of “cynically” using the incident to further her own campaign, while holding to his statement about guarding the integrity of the investigation.

No one really wants to delve deeper into the details of Jack Schriber’s behavior toward his victim.  I certainly hope that the victim and his family can move on and that Sue Schriber and her family recover from this pain and embarrassment as soon as possible.  We do, however, need to know the details of who knew what and when they knew it, so far as the investigation goes.  This is a matter of the public trust and the character of those who wish to lead the City for the next four years. I believe we are owed answers that we do not have.  The “defending the integrity of the investigation” defense does not hold up against the information that we have been given.  At this point, we have more questions than answers due at least in part to the repeated “canned” explanation that the Mayor has continued to try to feed us.

Finally, Winnecke and his party need to be more transparent about their plans for the possible replacement for Schriber on the City Council.  The rumors that Wayne Parke will be the replacement if one is needed are disturbing, and I would challenge the GOP leaders to announce who they would encourage their caucus to choose in Schriber’s place in case he wins a seat.

FOOTNOTE: this article was posted without opinion, bias or editing.


  1. The bottom line is, Winnecke was knowingly campaigning for a guy who has sex with young boys. If you don’t think he knew about Shriber’s tendencies I’ve got some nice ocean front property in Kentucky you might be interested in. Sadly, his band of Facebook groupies don’t care. Visions of dog parks dance in their heads.

  2. Schriber has been defrocked and I doubt anyone truly believes that Winnecke did not know about his crimes ahead of time, but this OCD attention being given to this issue is nothing but politizing a traggic issue under a thin vail of righteous indignation. The truth is you don’t know what Winnecke knew or when he knew it, and despite your hoping the family can move on, you have walked them through the fire one more time. It serves no purpose in moving us forward and sadly does make Gail look inept in being able to differentiate herself as mayor. I am disgusted and embarassed by the local republican leaders, but the democrat’s reaction to this incident convinces mr that they are no different. If they were, Weaver would have been driven out of the party.

    • I thought they had driven Weaver out. I thought both parties had. The Rs say he is a D and the Ds say he is an R. Weaver must be an Independent.

    • I’m really not certain how you conflate my comments with Gail’s abilities to “differentiate herself as mayor.” At any rate, she has made what she would do differently from the current Mayor crystal clear in her policy statements and position papers.

      • Because I am open minded and smart enough to recognize the difference between political motivation and righteous indignation. I am also astute enough to see that Gail’s past history and position papers do not equate to a bold new vision for Evansville. Oh, I forgot, we have to be giddy for Gail because she might be our first female Mayor.

      • Can’t get this out enough about Winnecke’s pedophile buddy. Winnecke hasn’t come clean yet and might never. What is he hiding? If not for the unnamed source this would have never got out, certainly not before the election. → Schriber confidant Winnecke was sitting on it, his tampering with the election will now very possibly place that council seat in the hands of the unelected and unelectable Wayne Parke, which was his plan.← The mayor didn’t admit knowing about it until it blew up in his face. He has hardened in to a simplistic explanation that doesn’t float and looks like a beaten man right now. The sooner he exits city government the better.

        His supporters will try to take some moralistic high ground, a space they have never in fact occupied and wouldn’t know how to act if they got there. They will try to quiet talk of the Schriber/Winnecke sex scandal and its coverup. They will proudly cast their vote for the little doofus Nov. 3 if they haven’t already. Tells you all you need to know about what kind of government they really want. Shows you what kind of people the little tap dancer surrounds himself with, as if there was any doubt. I truly hope no other child suffered due to Winnecke’s silence. It does look like his attempt to pack the city council with lemmings ready to do his bidding has at least partially not gone as he planned. It is our duty as voters to deny his hand picked ticket seats on the council. Most of them have pledged to support his agenda, just as Schriber did. If he slithers back into office let him make-do with Adams, Butterfly McGinn and the twins. Evansville can’t afford anymore of Lloyd Winnecke and his band of friends. Our city is under siege, the attack of the thespians must be curbed.

        Very nice job Laura.

        • Isn’t a thinking person who has not figured that out what Winnecke is, but they also have figured out with this democrat inquisition is. Maybe the name on the door will change after November 3, but not much past that.

    • Don’t call a sex offender, a molester of young boys, a predator, any kind of a christian.
      What if he had used YOUR child?

  3. Ms. Blackburn and the Democratic Party should keep all of this in the proper perspective. It should be noted that Jack Schriber is a good Christian and did not shoot anyone.

    • He raped a student. Let’s not forget that, lest anyone unknowingly casts a vote for a child rapist. The voters deserve to know this.

    • Obviously I agree with you about the politics, and I will not judge Schriber’s Christianity as good or bad, but his apology was more accusatory than repentive. What he did was criminal and indeed it left victims, but it is sickening to watch the political buzzards circle this issue.

      • It’s only sickening to you because Winnecke’s your man. He’s got your vote despite your ‘have it both ways’ disclaimers. Gail Riecken is clearly the best candidate in the race. You wouldn’t vote for her for anything in the world. Probably because she ran against Hostettler years ago and when you followed The Ho to Shoals (I think) for a debate somehow you came under fire from some of her supporters. Imagine that.

        • Yawn. I don’t hold gail responsible for a few foul mouth supporters, but she has a long way to go with me while sporting a ketchup stain in the shape of Urbana on her shirt. Winnecke lost my support when he lied to tear down Roberts, and confirmed it with his ambiguous band of investors. You, keep hoping for the best in being giddy for Gail. Who knows, maybe this time you will be right. I’ll toast to you if you are.

          • First time I brought the Shoals debate incident up you agreed it bothered you. Said they attacked your family. I’m sure you did nothing to provoke it.

            Mrs. Riecken made a principled stand when her and some of her caucus spent a few days in Illinois. I can’t make you see a moral and ethical stand by a politician if you won’t open your eyes. We need more people like Gail in public office. There is no stain that I know of on her shirt. That is just nastiness born of a strong desire to see a Republican, any Republican, elected mayor. Can’t discount the fact that you don’t want to see women in positions of power, but I think that’s often a secondary consideration with you.

            … and if your man Winnecke is re-installed you can claim your Wankin’ For Winnecke bore fruit. I know Winnecke’s got your vote, Winnecke knows he’s got your vote, just about everybody knows Winnecke’s got your vote. It was never any other way.

            When you wake up Nov. 4th and wonder where your vote went, see above. While your at it, say hello to Mayor Riecken.

    • Bertha , good Christians don’t go around raping young boys or anyone as far as that goes

  4. Bravo, Laura, an excellent chronology.

    IMO, Gail Riecken should DEMAND that Winnecke name the “non-police” source which he claims tipped him re: Schriber’s confession. If the EPD is doing the investigation . . . and Winnecke gets a non-police tip, I believe that means a leak in the EPD ? Winnecke refusing to reveal his non-police tip would be a great commercial, as it goes to character.

  5. There should be proof right here on CCO as to when it was announced that Schriber was in the Orlando hospital. I remember it was announced as soon as the information was made available. A search of CCO’s archives would reveal the date.

  6. I sure looks like the Demos are panicked that Mr. Scriber will win, even though his campaign is suspended, yard signs removed and he said he would not serve if elected.

  7. Thanks for the timeline Ms. Blackburn.
    I’d like to add that Lloyd Winnecke graduated from Central high school in 1978, the same school Mr. Schriber spent his high school teaching career.

    I was also disturbed by this bit of reporting in the Courier Press (Oct. 20, 2015):

    “Schriber began to tell me that he had a lot of students over at his home at that time because times were different,” Turpin reported. “I asked why he thought this happened and Schriber told me that he thought this had occurred due to a lot of confusion he had. I asked what the confusion was about, and he said he had gone into training to be a Green Beret and was shot during the Vietnam War. I asked where it was and he said a bullet grazed his leg. He said he didn’t know if he had killed people over there because so much had been blocked out…..
    …..”I asked Schriber how long this had gone on with students and he said it stopped years ago,” Turpin wrote. “I asked what made it stop and he said about 20 years ago he began working at the Evansville Children’s Psychiatric Center. Schriber said that he realized he had a problem and that he went into five years of intense therapy.”
    —-City Council candidate Schriber says he had relationship with a student when he was a teacher,
    October 20, 2015

    20 years ago was 1995. If that’s when he “realized he had a problem” then that 20 years he spent getting away with other inappropriate behavior…having students over, smoking pot with them. It’s a rare pediphile that has only one victim in his past.

    I’ve heard the whispered rumors about our mayor for about 4 years now. It’s impossible to believe Winnecke has learned anything new about his friend and mentor Jack Schriber in the last few months. What is disgusting is his manipulation of the timeline of discovery. I question the nature of the “investigation”, as if there were a team of officers assigned to the case five days a week. There was a letter that got handed over and verified. Jack was questioned and admitted it. Statute of limitations was checked and Jack was off the hook. End of investigation. Seems a bit of a stretch that took up 3 months. Probably most of the time was spent strategizing the rollout of information. Winnecke probably verbalized “protect the integrity of the investigation” into his bathroom mirror in the mornings til it rolled off his tongue like butter.

    What an oily, lying politician this Winnecke is…poor Evansville…

    • Concise . What he was doing at the Children’s Psychiatric center is horrifying to consider. I think that the worst part is he will have gotten away with all of it.

      • That horrified me, too. So many of the patients there have already been victimized. I doubt that Schriber had any opportunity to harm the patients there, and I wonder if that may have frustrated him to the point that he finally sought help.

        Whatever the situation was, it is very true that everybody who knew Jack at all had doubts about his true sexual orientation. I never considered that he would victimize his students in the way he apparently did, though. He impressed me as being so devoted to the arts and teaching his students to love them also that it never occurred to me that the kindly man who was a pillar of the community was capable of such evil.

        • Thanks Laura for that statement. Jack worked hard to serve the community and lived with a very bad secret. Not that I condone for a minute the harm he did to his victim(s) but the man the community saw was not all of the man. There was another part of Jack that he apparently worked hard to leave behind but could not do so. Now the whole truth is out and effects so many people. I do hope his therapy has been healing – for him and his family and for his victim(s).

    • It also needs to be said that Lloyd Winnecke also graduated from Thompkins grade school in 1974. He was heavily involved in school productions/acting there and continued to be at Central High School & Civic Theatre with Jack Schriber. He knew the victim(s) well and attended the parties at the home of Jack Schriber. His denial of knowledge then and now is false. The Orlando event seems suspect to me now as well. “Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it.” – Adolf Hitler

    • The statement that Schriber gave Brian Turpin is problematic in many ways. I don’t recall Jack serving in the military, although he may have. I’d be curious to see his DD-214, if one exists. His comments certainly open the door to the probability that there were other victims, or at least a history of unethical behavior on Schriber’s part.

      As for Winnecke, I believe the time has come for Evansvillians to ask for a federal investigation of political corruption in this city. I don’t mean by the local FBI agents, who could not be objective in the matter. I mean the DOJ needs to study this city very closely. I think it may be a textbook case study of what is wrong in many cities in this country.

  8. Don’t call a sex offender, a molester of young boys, a predator, any kind of a christian.
    What if he had used YOUR child?

  9. In the last Mayoral election many of us went into to it with an “anybody but Weinzapfel” attitude and we got Wienecke. Now many have an “anybody but Winecke” motivation and think we will see real change. Schriber becoming the major campaign issue is indicative of the lack of leadership and vision we desperately need. They all leave me feeling like I need a shower.

    • I don’t remember you or anyone else saying ‘anybody but Weinzapfel’ last trip. He wasn’t even running. The Schriber/Winnecke sex scandal and its cover-up is a legitimate issue. Goes right to Winnecke’s lack of truthfulness and the kind of people he surrounds himself with.

      De-electing Winnecke will provide a fitting burnishment to Rick Davis’ legacy.

      • Im sure you liked Weinzapfel, but many of us were glad to see his reign come to an end and were hopeful in a Davis or Winnecke administration.

        • Once again, you purport to know things you could not possibly know.

          Winnecke’s your man, embrace him. You’ve spent quite a bit of time defending him here today. What do you think of a Christian pedophile who rapes little boys? Does it matter if the perp is one of Winnecke’s best friends? Does he get a pass because of his religion? A partial?

          Cashier Winnecke. He could have never beaten Rick Davis in a straight up race. Let him know we learned from our mistake.

          • IE – Yes I was not enchanted with Weinzapfel and was glad to see him go but I definitely knew that Davis was clearly the man for the mayor’s position, not Winnecke. The vibes were all wrong with Winnecke.

        • IE – Yes I was not enchanted with Weinzapfel and was glad to see him go but I definitely knew that Davis was clearly the man for the mayor’s position, not Winnecke. The vibes were all wrong with Winnecke.

  10. The opinion that he is a Good Christian .REALLY? Come on! Another strike against christians for sure. Child predator will not look good anywhere. It is like it is ok to do what he did and since he is a Good Christian he gets a free pass. Where are you from? and what world do you live in? Winky was friends with this sicko and did not care because he wants their votes, they should dig deep in other of our politicians an see what is going on in their past. Winky keeps saying lets keep Evansville moving forward but at what cost?

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