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  1. Anyone see ol’ leatherface Jan Brewer pull the white victimhood card on CNN Sunday morning?

    • I missed it. She’s a dead ringer for an aunt of mine who was one of the worst alcoholics I ever saw.

  2. I think it is healthy to hold both candidates for president and their surrogates accountable for their deeds. What I still can’t accept is this increasing practice of justifying one candidates compromising behavior by another’s.

    This whole it is fine for candidate D to kill puppies because candidate R killed a kitten is just setting the bar for performance at the level of the worse among us.

    As for the meeting between Bill and Lynch just being about grandchildren, who in the heck would believe that? They were briefing each other on possible scenarios regarding the Hillary campaign. A Tarmac is the perfect place to have such a meeting. It is in an HSA area and there are no reporters or eavesdroppers within a half mile. That is the safest of safe spaces for a confidential conversation.

    • I thought it was. Probably bill questioning her about the judge’s expanded investigation .

      • Press…..you still think that bottom of the ninth grand slam is gonna win it for you? Hillary indicted? NOT EVEN the House GOP report could find anything illegal. Desperation, idiotic desperation.
        Sure looks like you’ve finally bought in your guy Trump is a disaster.

        • She is NOT above the law, and IF she is, and IF she gets elected, then by definition we will not have a President, we will have a DICTATOR. You do understand that, don’t you?

          • ……wait a minute Pressanykey.
            Is there a crime here? Has the judicial system declared a crime here on this Hillary stuff? What is the judgement you are talking about? No court has ruled here.
            You are making stuff up Pressanykey.
            Making it up…..You’ve joined the crazies who believe the Vietnam War was actually just a bet between Howard Hughes and Aristotle Onassis.
            Desperate, desperate, desperate.

          • Yeah, but all of them (Bill, Hillary, and the Donald) think they’re above the law.

          • Don there is always a crime. The powers that be will decide if she is charged and more importantly when. It will be much easier to pick who they want after the election. I have already seen this once in my life. Most people forget Dick Nixon was elected with a huge majority and a year later we had a president nobody had voted for.

    • I am in no way justifying anything Hillary has done, might have done, or may do in the future. The idea of her being president makes me nauseous and the thought of actually voting for her make me gag. The idea of a narcissistic dumbass like Trump having access to the nuclear codes is frightening, and I don’t scare easily. Maybe we will have a better choice than the two of them. The Never Trumpers seem to be gaining steam, but who would they wind up running? Cruz and Trump are of the same ilk. Jeb is a Bush, and that seems to have disqualified him. The best they can hope for is Chris Christie. Hillary could be indicted or become ill, but neither seems likely. The scenario I laid out about her being removed and her VP serving may be the best we can hope for, farfetched as it is.

      I didn’t think of the tarmac meeting the way you pointed out, but I have seen nothing of AG Lynch that would make me doubt her integrity. It may have been an attempt for Bill to charm her, but she is a pretty tough cookie. I doubt he succeeded.

        • The RNC Convention has been stolen by Donald Trump you know. And he’s not gonna use it to try to win votes and win the White House. No, Sir. He’s lined up Trump Enterprise speakers for the whole convention. The whole idea is to promote Trump brands, Trump properties, Trump products and apparel. All of the Trump children are stepping up in prime time to promote the Trump company’s products.
          He doesn’t want to win.
          He’s doing this for publicity.
          And Pressanykey and JoeBiden are being exploited. Exploited, exploited, exploited.

          • Well. That’s not true.
            Trump stole all kinds of private property for his projects with eminent domain laws.
            …uh, and he accused Ted Cruz’s father of killing President John F. Kennedy.
            And in order to win a civil case against him, he tried to have the Judge removed, claiming as a Presidential candidate, the Judge was Mexican.
            (There are too damn many to list…guaranteed a movie deal is coming out of Trumpland. In fact, that’s why he’s running….to start a media company….NOT win the White House.)

      • Admiration meter blipped up. We should be done with Bush’s and Clinton’s, especially this one, but I don’t see Trump being the threat so many are concerned about. What I see as a threat is this never Trump delegates who seem intent on stealing the primary. I have often poke democrats like you in the eye saying you don’t have a choice, and now Republicans will be the same.

        THis never Trump movement will be the official end of the GOP. There is no other candidate they can field that can take on Hillary, and II am going to be pleased to help kill the party if the succeed in stealing the primary. I believe that there are many silent but angry conservatives like me who are beginning to think the GOP should be in a museum.

        If they steal the primary, I wonde rif Trump will do what Teddy Roosevelt did and revive the Bull Moose party? I din’t think Trump in one who will let stealing the convention stop his goal of becoming president. Maybe it will be Trump rather than Johnson who creates a third party.

    • Apparently the meeting was to reach an agreement on blocking release of any report or information by the DOJ regarding the Clinton Foundation for 17 months following the National Elections. That should give Bill and Hillary sufficient time to loot it and flee to the Grand Caymans or Cuba.

    • Breitbart and Mother Jones are public relations propaganda sites.
      You’re reading advertisements to get your news when you read Breit and Mother Jones….JoeBiden.

    • This is no longer my Democrat party. I can’t vote for the proven liar Hillary that will extend Obama’s socialist policies. I will vote for Trump as a vote against Hillary and Obama’s ineffective strategy against Islamic terrorists.

        • Feeling screwed? We have yet to see the worst of it if Hillary Clinton extorts her way into the Presidency.

        • Press, today the Community Organizer-in-Chief bravely allowed transgendered troops in the Military. A great response to the cancer of fundamental Islamic terror. Barack Hussein Obama is importing Sunni Muslims as fast as possible, this being the peace loving sect of Islam that spawned ISIS and Al Qaeda. He’s importing migrants with a plethora of communicable diseases. It is a very fair question to ask what side Obama is really on. Hillary simply equals 4 more years of the Obama disaster to transform the US to a third world country. Hillary may appoint Obama and Loretta Lynch (who wont prosecute her) to the Supreme Court. A lifetime appointment to complete Obama’s socialist transformation of America. I’m no Ra-rah Trump guy, I’m a sure as hell not Hillary guy. I think that is where most reasonable and rational Americans fall. At least in the Red States, where there are still real Americans.

          • Now if you want a taxpayer funded sex change, join Obama’s new military. “USA Today indicated that service members would be eligible for U.S.-taxpayer funded gender transition surgery once the DOD regulation is changed.” “Unnamed defense officials told AP that “the military also wants time to tackle questions about where transgender troops would be housed, what uniforms they would wear, what berthing they would have on ships, which bathrooms they would use and whether their presence would affect the ability of small units to work well together.” Just when you thought the world couldn’t get crazier.


          • “real Americans”

            Someone on a C&P thread used a similar term so I asked them if a real American was a Bush-Cheney voter. Or maybe someone who believes a lie then can’t handle the truth when it shits down their neck.

            Becker is correct about Breitbart and Mother Jones Joe. And since you and I have a special band of brothers bond, I’m going to show you how to find out the truth in the future without making an ass out of yourself first.

            First, listen to the first minute of this, then contact Lindsey Graham and have her testify “under oath” as she was doing here and ask him to ask her if she and Slick Willie talked about e-mails or the Clinton Foundation on the tarmac.


            Sounds exciting doesn’t it?

            And yes, You’re Welcome….

          • REG:
            I noticed that too. “Real Americans.”
            It is PERFECT evidence…that for Trump voters, “Make America Great Again” means make it white, again.

      • MAINSTREETDEMO……is a neighbor of mine.

        Last week, the ice cream truck was kind of singing down our street, and all the kids were chasing down the music and the Truck on the sidewalk….so I stopped him and said…..”Hey, c’mon kids! I’m buying for everybody! Tell him what you want kids!” Several other Parents came out too, and some pitched in too.

        All of a sudden, this neighbor Dad bolts over from down the street and jerks his daughter out of the pack lined up from for ice cream. “No. None for you. None for her Mister.”
        She said, “But Dad! Please!! I don’t have to pay! It’s free Dad! Please!! Please! It’s free!”

        And the Dad said, “Free? Why free is just another word for socialism!”
        Everybody groaned……..”Uuuooohhhhh no.”

        The neighbor? MainstreetDemo.

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