FOOTNOTES: Our next “IS IT TRUE” will be posted on this coming Friday.

Todays READERS POLL question is: If the election was held today for President of the United States who would you vote for?

Please take time and read our newest feature articles entitled “HOT JOBS” and “LOCAL SPORTS” posted in our sections.

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  1. Extra extra read all about it………..commie media and rino republicans call Mr.Trump racist…….the same Mr. Trump that has been an American businessman for 45yrs and employs 25,000 people…………………while commie barry and and the dirty doormat crooked hillary employs the race cards for their gruber goober deadbeat fans……….TRUMP.…………2016………….

    • Hey Al! We missed you!
      I think you’re being an idiot Al.
      When Trump says an American-citizen-born Judge, born in the heartland of Indiana no less, can’t do his job because of his name and heritage, THAT makes you a racist. Racist. Racist. Racist.
      Don’t worry. Trump is out of money, and he’s decided to accept $ from donors who own manufacturers who ship jobs to foreign countries (that is un-freaking-believable, un-f’n believable!!)……and Trump isn’t interested in being President anyway. TRAIN WRECK DUMPSTER FIRE.

    • …..Hilarious.
      I notice that PRESSANYKEY is afraid to actually write something to justify his “sudden and convenient embrace of Donald Trump” because he knows he will look foolish.
      SO…..PAK just posts a bunch of gray links.

    • “….Well folks…..the Cubs are behind by four runs in the bottom of the ninth again! But the Cubs manager has pulled a dramatic one folks! The Cubs batboy’s father has been put in the lineup to try to hit a grandslam and save this thing from being over! We got’em now Cubs fans! We got’em now!!”

    • Now that you mention it, a pay per view Lie Off would probably garner enough watchers to fund both campaigns. The quantity and audacity of Trump’s lies against the more focused and shameless utterings of The Beast. It could be close. The betting line would reflect the uncertainty of two champions going at it.

  2. “Now that you mention it, a pay per view Lie Off would probably garner enough watchers to fund both campaigns. ”
    I can’t decide if I should laugh or cry at how true this statement is…

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